WORLD BANK TEAM 12th June 2014 Component wise Progress Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project – LIS SPMU, UP WELCOMEs WORLD BANK TEAM 12th June 2014 Component wise Progress
Component A Capacity Building of Institutions Capacity Building & Training for SWSM, SPMU, UPJN & PRD officials SPMU Induction conducted from 20th to 22nd March 2014. Mixed team of SPMU, PRD & UPJN officers attended Communication & Capacity Building Plan development workshop at Guwahati on 1st & 2nd May 2014 Exposure trip of mixed group of SPMU, PRD & UPJN officers to Kerala between 10th to 13th May 2014. SPMU team attended the Good Practices Workshop in Dehradun on 20th & 21st May 2014. SPMU Specialist appointed Nodal Officers for each district.
Component A Capacity Building of Institutions Capacity Building at District/ Block level Orientation for district officials held on:- 23rd January 2013 24th August 2013. 16th January 2014.
Component A Capacity Building of Institutions Strengthening of GPs/ GPWSCs (Includes Training Programs and Exposure Visits) GP members of the 3 pilot schemes oriented on the project during field visits Plan for training of other GP/ GPWSC members through LTA (SIRD) prepared
Component A Capacity Building of Institutions Strengthening of Training Institutions Framework for assessment of Training Institutions developed. Data base of government training institutions developed. Terms of Reference (TOR) and Request for Proposal (RFP) developed for selection of Training Support & Mentoring Agency (TSMA). Uttranchal Academy of Administration to be hired as TSMA. Terms of Reference (TOR) and Request for Proposal (RFP) developed for selection of Lead Training Agency (LTA). Single Source Selection (SSS) Justification for hiring SIRD as the LTA sent to WB & NPMU. Approval awaited. State Institute of Rural Development to be hired as LTA. Capacity Building Strategy & Plan developed for Phase I. Estimated cost Rs.554.90 Lakhs.
Component A Project IEC/ BCC Activities Communication Strategy & Plan for Phase I developed. Estimated cost Rs.361.22 Lakhs. Set of Radio jingles/spots developed. Airing of radio jingles/spots initiated.
Component A Sector Development Studies Preparatory studies commissioned and completed. Social Assessment, including Capacity Building and Communication Strategy Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Framework Assessing Rural Drinking Water Supply Services for the RWSSP in Uttar Pradesh. All reports incorporating all comments have been uploaded on the SWSM website.
Component A Monitoring and Evaluation GP selection criteria prepared and approved by World Bank Baseline formats for collection of Household, Habitation, GP and Institutions finalized 3 nos of Tablets for real time monitoring procured. Formats for monitoring of Pre-planning, Planning Phase activities drafted in the workshop held in New Delhi on 23-24 May 2014 M&E Specialist, SPMU, UP attended workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh for Project Impact Assessment. ToR for Impact Assessment under preparation Website of the project “” development and hosted
Component B Infrastructure Component S.No Scheme Type Target for Batch 1 DPRs prepared Administrative Approvals Received Administrative Sanctions Received Technical Sanctions Received 1 SHS 24 35 4 2 SGS 195 125 77 3 SMVS 13 Total 232 173 94 Catchment Area Protection - 5 Water Quality Management (No. of Labs)
Component B Infrastructure development Annual Implementation Plan for Sanitation activities including Batch 1 GPs prepared in 8 project districts SLWM DPR prepared for one pilot scheme in GP Chinani, Block Karchana, District Allahabad Environmental Assessment Format developed and shared with WB and field tested in GP Chinani Water Security Plan template prepared and shared with the WB and field test in GP Chinani
Component B Infrastructure Engineering Support Project Support Cell at UPJN One time establishment cost - Rs. 24.03 Lacs. Operating costs - Rs.35.10 Lakhs Project Support Cell at PRD ______________ Community Support Detailed Terms of Reference developed for Support Organizations. RFP and Draft Agreement for Support Organizations finalized. Expression of Interest (EOI) for advertisement finalized & published.
Component C Project Management Component SPMU established vide Office Order No. 04/WB-503/2012 dated 05, November 2012 Project approved by Cabinet and GO No. 710/38-5-13-27sam/2012 dated 31st March 2013 issued. SPMU office fully functional with all Subject Specialists in position and office setup.
Component C Project Management Component DPMU posts sanctioned vide GO. No. 551/38-5-14-27 sam/2012 dated 27th March 2014 Advertisement for filling up the DPMU positions on Deputation published on 28th May 2014. Last date for submission of application is 16th June 2014 EoI for hiring of an HR Agency published on 29th May 2014. Last date for submission of proposal is 16th June 2014 GO issued for utilizing the services of IEC/ HRD, M&E and WQ Consultants of DWSC in the Project.
Component C Project Management Component Notification No. 2951/33-1-13 for formation of GPWSC issued by Department of Panchayati Raj, GoUP on 28th January 2014 GO. No 4/2013 dated 17th February 2014 by Director, PR and GO No. 496/38-5-2014-27 sam/2012 TC dated 18th March 2014 by Secretary, RD also issued for formation of GPWSC 33 nos of GPWSC formed in the Batch 1 GPs
Brief of Procurement Plan of 18 Months Amount in Rs. Lakhs Total World Bank Share GOI Share UP Govt. Share Community Share Consultancy Component A Capacity Building of Institutions Project IEC/BCC Activities Sector Devel. Studies Monitoring & Evaluation: Sub-Total Component –B Independent Const. Verification Agency SLWM DPR Preparation Infrastructure Support: Engineering Support (Water Supply ) Recurring Cost (PRD Cell ): Recurring Cost (UPJN Cell): SO Cost Community Mobilization Component - C Recurring Expenses (office Management & Admin. Cost) Total Component A+B+C 458.48 309.32 0.00 98.76 866.56 60.00 205.59 4381.25 52.20 45.90 1851.31 6,596.25 957.67 8,420.48 229.24 154.66 00.00 49.38 433.28 30.00 102.80 2190.62 26.10 22.95 925.65 3298.12 478.83 4210.23 15.00 51.40 1095.32 13.05 11.48 925.66 2111.91 239.42 2784.61 - 51.39 1095.31 11.47 1186.22 1425.64
Brief of Procurement Plan of 18 Months Amount in Rs. Lakhs Total World Bank Share GOI Share UP Govt. Share Community Share Goods: Component- A Non- Consulting Services Printing Material Sub-Total Component- B Lab- equipments Fixed Cost PRD Cell (i) Furniture & Fixtures (ii) Software Fixed Cost UPJN Cell Furniture & Fixtures Software Sub- Total Component- C Hardware & Software Furniture & Fixture Recurring Expenses Total Component (A+B+C) 9.75 18.75 28.50 120.00 3.70 0.25 5.70 15.25 144.90 69.39 44.00 126.40 239.79 413.19 4.87 9.37 14.24 60.00 1.85 0.12 2.85 7.62 72.44 34.69 22.00 63.20 119.89 206.57 4.88 9.38 14.26 0.93 0.07 1.43 3.82 66.25 17.35 11.00 31.60 59.95 140.46 - 0.92 0.06 1.42 3.81 6.21 66.16
Brief of Procurement Plan of 18 Months Amount in Rs. Lakhs Total World Bank Share GOI Share UP Govt. Share Community Share Works: A-Water Water Supply Part-A Sub- Total B- Sanitation SLWM Work for GPs 2. Catchment Area Program 3. Lab Construction work 4. Lab Sample Test Cost Sub- Total Total (A+B) 34832.71 2920.93 93.91 55.00 5.30 3075.14 37,907.85 17416.35 1460.46 46.95 27.50 2.65 1537.56 18953.91 8708.18 1022.33 46.96 19.25 1.86 1090.40 9798.58 8325.02 438.14 - 8.25 0.79 447.18 8772.20 383.16
Category-wise Reimbursable Amount (Amount in Rs. Lakhs) Period 31.03.2013 to 06.02.2014 07.02.14 to 09.06.14 Total Sources of Funds: Funds from GOI Funds from WSSO Bank Interest - 261.15 999.00 30.00 1.39 1030.39 291.15 1291.54 Application of Funds: Component-A (Capacity Building Sector Development) Component-B (Infrastructure Investments) (c ) Component – C (Project Management Support) Balance Amount 60.60 134.26 194.86 28.23 53.80 82.03 88.83 188.06 276.89 1014.65
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