Increase in drug addiction Terrorist activities DRUG PROBLEMS Globalization High profit margin Increase in drug addiction Terrorist activities Changes in the political situation in various countries The drug problem has grown into a regional and international crime problem, not just a national problem. 2
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) GLOBAL EVALUATION United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World Drug Report 1/3 of $1 Trillion US Dollars is derived from illegal income which is approximately $321 Billion US. The source is from drug trafficking. 3
OPIATES AFGHANISTAN MYANMAR MEXICO LAO PDR COLOMBIA Afghanistan is overwhelmingly the largest producer of opiates in the world If all of the opium produced in Afghanistan was converted to heroin it would produce almost 950 tons of heroin Over 90% of the heroin in Europe is from Southwest Asia Also supplies most of the heroin consumed in Russia, Southwest Asia and Central Asia Smaller amounts to North America Production in Southeast Asia is still a concern as Myanmar remains the second largest producer of opiates in the world Southeast Asian opiates are mostly consumed within Southeast Asia with small amounts in North America Surveys show that demand for heroin may have stabilized in the United States and Europe Where are the large amounts of Afghan opiates going? China? Australia? Increased consumption along transit routes Stockpiling?
COMPARING OPIUM PRODUCTION BETWEEN AFGHANISTAN AND REST OF THE WORLD Year OPIUM PRODUCTION IN AFGHANISTAN (TONS) GLOBAL PRODUCTION PERCENTAGE OF 1998 2,693 4,346 62% 1999 4,565 5,764 79% 2000 3,276 4,691 70% 2001 185 1,596 12% 2002 3,400 4,491 76% 2003 3,600 4,765 2004 4,200 4,850 87% 2005 4,100 4,620 89% 2006 6,100 6,610 92% 2007 8,200 8,847 93% The increase in Afghan production largely accounted for the record levels of potential global opium production in 2006 and 2007 Global production 2006: 6,610 mt Global production 2007: 8,800 mt respectively Afghanistan is now virtually the sole supplier at 93% of global production. Source: UNODC
OPIUM POPPY CULTIVATION IN AFGHANISTAN (1986 – 2007) + 17% 193,000 - 20.7% 165,000 ONE HECTARE IS EQUAL TO 2.4 ACRES. Trends in opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan have been on an upward trajectory since the early 1990s, accelerating quickly after the fall of the Taliban government and their 2001 ban on cultivation Opium poppy cultivation has increased on average by 34 percent per annum in the post-Taliban era. Since 2006 the security situation has deteriorated, especially in south and southeastern Afghanistan. Lack of security leads to increased opium poppy cultivation due to deceased licit economic opportunities and heavy pressure by drug traffickers and Anti Government Elements. The majority (70 percent or 133,545 ha) of cultivation in 2007 took place in the five southern provinces of Afghanistan: Helmand, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Day Kundi, and Zabul. 13 provinces were poppy free in 2007. 131,000 104,000 Source: UNODC
POTENTIAL OPIUM PRODUCTION IN AFGHANISTAN (1986 – 2007) +34.4% 8,200 - 2.4% 6,100 4,200 4,100 Source: UNODC
OPIUM POPPY CULTIVATION IN SOUTH EAST ASIA 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Hectares Lao PDR Myanmar 127,752 81% decrease 2000-2006 + 22% Myanmar remains the second largest opiate producer in the world after Afghanistan Opium cultivation in South East Asia takes place mainly in Lao PDR, Myanmar and a very small amount in Thailand. Huge decrease from 2000 is astounding and serves as an important step toward the goal of eliminating the cultivation of illicit crops worldwide. The largest reduction in absolute terms has taken place in Myanmar where opium poppy cultivation decreased by 83% in nine years from 130,300 ha in 1998 to only 21,500 ha in 2006. According to UNODC, Lao PDR and Thailand have reduced cultivation to such an extent that opium production is negligible and no longer finds its way to international markets. 29,200 24,000 Source: UNODC, Myanmar figures for 2000 & 2001 are US Government estimates
OPIUM POPPY CULTIVATION IN COLOMBIA & MEXICO 8,900 - 41% 5,250 Significant opium poppy cultivation in Colombia did not emerge until the early 1990s. Colombia is one of the smaller opium cultivating countries and its contribution the world opium production is declining. Opium poppy in Colombia is mainly being cultivated on mountain sides in the south-west of the country. Opium poppy cultivation in Mexico has reached a strategic equilibrium: The size of the crop has remained between 3,300 and 5,500 ha for 10 out of the past 13 years Crop has shifted to the northern areas in Mexico Cultivation in Mexico is unlikely to change dramatically barring unexpected decrease in eradication effort or weather extremes Source: UNODC: 2000-2006 Colombia, 2000-2005 Mexico; US Government Mexico 2006
POTENTIAL OPIUM PRODUCTION IN SOUTH EAST ASIA 73% decrease 2000-2006 1,254 + 40% 469 335 Opium poppy cultivation in South East Asia takes place mainly on steep hills with poor soil and no irrigation facilities. Opium yields are much lower than in Afghanistan where the crop is often cultivated on good soil and irrigated land. In 2007, opium yields were estimated at 6 kg/ha in Laos, 16.6 kg/ha in Myanmar and 15.6 kg/ha in Thailand. South East Asia's Golden Triangle, which produced 33% of the world opium production in 1998, now produces only about 5%. Source: UNODC, Myanmar figures for 2000 & 2001 are US Government estimates
POTENTIAL OPIUM PRODUCTION IN COLOMBIA & MEXICO 177 - 44% 99 Opiates from Colombia and Mexico dominate the market in the United States. Colombian heroin is smuggled via couriers and maritime conveyance to the US Mexican “Black Tar” heroin continues to be the predominant form of heroin available in the USA west of the Mississippi The heroin trade in Mexico is highly fragmented. Mexican heroin is predominately smuggled from the cultivation and processing areas of Mexico to the southwest border of the United States via: privately owned vehicles commercial vehicles (tractor-trailers & buses) Individual couriers (on their person or in their luggage) Source: UNODC: 2000-2006 Colombia, 2000-2005 Mexico; US Government Mexico 2006
GLOBAL PRODUCTION AND SEIZURES OF HEROIN 11.5% 33.8% 10.9% 11.1% 12.1% 12.2% Source: UNODC
COCA AND COCAINE European market growing for cocaine and very attractive to cocaine trafficking groups Strength of Euro over Dollar Africa is used as a storage location and transit point for cocaine from South America to Europe. Colombian traffickers store cocaine along and off the west coast of Africa in the Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Guinea, and Guinea Bissau, where they have established strong ties with West African criminal networks. Reports indicate increased amounts of cocaine going to Asia – China, Australia, Thailand. Smuggled by air couriers, parcel post and maritime conveyance March 2006: 142 kilograms seized in China; In 2007, U.S. law enforcement sources reported a reduced availability of cocaine at the wholesale level affecting retail prices and purities 37 U.S. cities have reported various levels of decreased cocaine availability. Data showed average price per pure gram of cocaine in the US increased by 44% between January and September of 2007 Data showed a 15% reduction in the average purity of cocaine
GLOBAL CULTIVATION OF COCA (1990 – 2006) Coca Cultivation Andean region 2002 170,300 ha 2003 153,800 ha 2004 158,000 ha 2005 159,600 ha 2006 156,900 ha Colombia remains the largest cultivator of coca and producer of cocaine Overall, despite the increases and decreases observed in recent years, coca cultivation in Colombia has proven to be relatively stable at around 80,000 hectares since 2003. Coca cultivation in the Andean region has been relatively stable since 2002 Source: UNODC
ESTIMATED GLOBAL COCAINE PRODUCTION Production Statistics (1990 – 2006) Production Statistics 2/3 of the cocaine produced in the source zone is for US markets, 1/3 to the rest of the world But the amount to non US markets does appear to be increasing Go-fast boats, maritime vessels, maritime containers, private aircraft, and low-profile vessels (such as submarines) Venezuela is a country of concern since the reports of cocaine shipments leaving Venezuela has increased dramatically Big increase in flights from Venezuela to the Dominican Republic and Haiti Also flying to West Africa West Africa is a key transit zone for cocaine destined for Europe Cocaine seizures in the traditional gateway countries of Spain and Portugal have decerased Cocaine seizures on the “back side” of Europe appear to be increasing February 2006: Turkey 42 kg December 2006: Sweden 1360 kg January 2007: Poland 120 kg, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 486 kg February 2008: Ukraine 39 kg, Slovakia 163 kg Increased reports of cocaine to Asia Containers to China Couriers to Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia Source: UNODC
COCAINE TRAFFICKING ROUTES Seizures of cocaine transiting direct to Spain and Portugal have decreased Seizures on the “back door” of Europe have increased 76.7% 58.1% 57.4% 38.9% 45.1% 46.5% Cocaine shipments through West Africa pose a significant threat Reports of large quantities of cocaine to Asia increasing The amount of cocaine leaving Venezuela to the US and Europe has increased dramatically
COCAINE SEIZURES On October 30, 2007, a record 23.5 tons of cocaine was seized in Mexico. Mexico continues to be the primary transit route for cocaine available in the United States In October 2007, Mexican authorities seized over 23 tons of cocaine in the port city of Manzanillo Seized from cargo containers Follows the March 2007 seizure of almost 20 tons of cocaine from the M/V Gatun off the coast of Panama Mexican trafficking groups are now dealing with Bolivian, Ecuadorian, and Peruvian groups to obtain cocaine – not just Colombians. Traffickers are constantly looking into new and innovative ways to evade law enforcement efforts Also called low-profile vessels Number of incidents identified by law enforcement has increased So far only known to have used to ship cocaine to US market Can’t go fully underwater Believed to be built in Colombia Newest versions can hold up to 12 tons of cocaine and travel up to 12 knots November 2006: Seizure of 3.5 MT cocaine 90 miles southwest of Costa Rica August 2007: Incident 300 miles southwest of the Mexico-Guatemala Border March 2008: Incident 375 nautical miles west of the Galapagos Islands Low Profile Vessels: 3 multi-ton cocaine seizures from November 2006 to March 2008 Photo courtesy of the US Coast Guard
CANNABIS AND DERIVATIVES Percentage of Global Production Africa North America Oceania Marijuana remains the most abused drug in the world Majority of marijuana grown in the Western Hemisphere. Africa is second. Asian Organized Crime role in the trade is growing in North America and Europe Most abused drug in the world with nearly 161 million users worldwide Most of the foreign-produced marijuana that enters the USA comes from Mexico, who has a robust eradication program Reporting shows the poly drug (marijuana, methamphetamine, mdma) Asian Organized Crime groups are operating across the globe Central/ and Caribbean Asia Europe Source UNODC (Statistics of 42,000 hectares under cultivation in 2005)
RECORD HASHISH SEIZURE 70% of global supply is hash is from Morocco Hashish is primarily consumed in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Canada. Hashish is the most commonly used drug in Afghanistan with an estimated 520,000 users. According to UNODC, approximately 70,000 ha of cannabis was cultivated in Afghanistan in 2007 50,000 ha in 2006 30,000 ha in 2005. Cultivation has also spread geographically. In 2007, cannabis was cultivated in 18 out of 32 Afghan provinces. Record seizure in Afghanistan Joint operation with Afghan forces, Coalition Forces and DEA Search warrants were executed on five locations in Spin Boldak, located in Kandahar Province. Total of 262 tons hashish seized and destroyed Twelve suspects were also arrested In June 2008, a joint operation led to the seizure and destruction of approximately 262 tons of hashish. The hashish was stockpiled in several underground warehouses near Spin Boldak, Afghanistan.
AMPHETAMINE-TYPE SIMULANTS The alarming increases in the production of Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS) throughout the 1990s seem to have leveled off Largest production areas for methamphetamine continue to be in South-East Asia, including Myanmar, China and the Philippines, and in North America. Amphetamine production continues to be primarily located in Europe, notably in the Netherlands and Poland, followed by the Baltic region and Belgium. Amphetamine production also takes place in North America (notably in the USA) and in South-East Asia. Trend: increased percentage of seizures of amphetamine and falling proportions of methamphetamine Due to better controls of ephedrine and pseudo-ephedrine?
MDMA PRODUCTION The Netherlands remains a significant producer of MDMA “Mega-Labs” in South East Asia are capable of producing both MDMA and crystal methamphetamine. Asian Organized Crime groups play an important role in the global MDMA trade. Canada is now the primary source country for MDMA in the United States. According to UNODC, the number of ecstasy labs dismantled fell by 40 per cent in 2005 to just 52 labs, 20 per cent less than in 2000 and Seizures of ecstasy precursors also fell by 40 per cent in 2005. In parallel, global ecstasy seizures fell by one third in 2005. All of this suggests that global ecstasy production, after strong increases in the 1990s, is now shrinking, primarily because of production falling in Europe. Production in several other parts of the world, in contrast, continues expanding. Canada Southeast Asia
METHAMPHETAMINE TRAFFICKING IN MEXICO In 2007, decreased availability in the United States. Starting in 2008, no pseudo-ephedrine can be legally imported into Mexico. Precursor Chemicals now flowing through Central America. MEXICO Increased production in Mexico due to strict restrictions on precursor chemicals in the US Over the last four years methamphetamine seizures on the southwest border of the US increased 77% In 2007, data showed that the average price per pure gram of methamphetamine in the United States has increased by 73% from Jan-Sept 2007. This increase in price has been accompanied by 31 percent reduction in the purity of meth. Shortage in US due to cooperation between the Government in the US and Mexico and aggressive Mexican counter-narcotics efforts Investigative reporting shows that precursor smuggling groups have shifted to routes through Central America Lab seized in Mexico in December 2007
METHAMPHETAMINE IN SOUTH EAST ASIA Thailand Cambodia Burma Yunnan Province Vietnam Laos Synthetic drugs are the primary threat in South East Asia. Increasing rates of abuse and production throughout South East Asia. Production throughout Southeast Asia Armed ethnic militias in Burma continue to produce and traffic large quantities of drugs Several of these groups are diversifying from heroin production to methamphetamine production Mega labs capable of producing hundreds of thousands of pills have been found across Southeast Asia: China, Thailand, the Philippines, Myanmar, Taiwan Province of China, the Republic of Korea, Cambodia, Hong Kong SAR of China, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Malaysia. DTOs linked to China, North America and Europe A lab in Malaysia was recently seized where a Mexican chemist was arrested
ORIGIN OF SEIZURES OF ECSTASY (2003 – 2005) The Netherlands Belgium Germany Canada Poland Lithuania Estonia England Bulgaria China Serbia South America Spain USA Hungary Bosnia & Herzegovina Other European Countries Other Asian Countries Other (Source: UNODC )
ORIGIN OF GLOBAL SEIZURES OF AMPHETAMINES (2003 – 2005) The Netherlands Poland Belgium Lithuania Estonia Serbia Germany Bulgaria Czech Republic Bosnia & Herzegovina Slovakia Other European Countries Asian Countries American Countries Oceana (Source: UNODC)
How will new restrictions impact drug trafficking groups? PRECURSOR CHEMICALS Trafficking groups quickly adapt in response to tighter legal controls. Countries in Asia, Africa and Middle East used for transit. How will new restrictions impact drug trafficking groups?
ACETIC ANHYDRIDE (AA) No licit production or legal use in Afghanistan Produced in at least 18 countries around the world China, Russia, India, Germany, and South Korea Smuggled to Afghanistan through neighboring countries Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, Pakistan, and Iran Smuggled via maritime vessels in containerized cargo and overland in cargo trucks
In November 2007 10 tons of AA in Russia. ACETIC ANHYDRIDE (AA) Price of AA in Afghanistan has reportedly increased over the past year. Notable seizures: In November 2007 10 tons of AA in Russia. In March 2007 14 tons of AA traveling to Pakistan from South Korea. On Nov 1, 2007, FSKN and FSB agents seized 10 tons AA and arrested 3 persons in Dzerzhinsk (town where only AA-producing factory in Russia is located). AA was to be shipped by truck via Tajikistan to Afghanistan. Shipment was to be disguised as a solvent used in plastic production and mosquito repellant On March 23, 2008 approximately 14 tons of suspected acetic anhydride (AA) were seized at the Port of Karachi, Pakistan. The AA was found in a large quantity of blue plastic barrels on pallets in a shipping container that had arrived from South Korea with a cover load of hydrogen peroxide. Prices increasing
MONEY LAUNDERING *Bulk cash smuggling continues unabated. *Trade-based money laundering linking organizations in South America, the Middle East and Asia. *Exploiting technology and developing new methods. Online and Mobile telephone payment system Virtual worlds
TURKEY’S VIEW ON DRUG TRAFFICKING Turkey has fought against drug trafficking, drugs abuse and addiction Turkey has instituted policies which state that drug trafficking is a crime against humanity and drug addicted individuals should be treated as patients The “National Strategy and Policy Document,” which covers the years of 2006-2012, has been signed by the Prime Minister. With the signing of this document, political measures on the struggle against drug trafficking has been clearly defined.
RESULTS IN THE STRUGGLE AGAINST DRUGS 2005 2006 2007 Operations 7581 10,546 13,692 Suspects 15,120 21,856 28,734 Hashish (Kg) 13,720 23,884 31,843 Heroin (Kg) 8,195 10,312 13,228 Morphine Base (Kg) 529 169 Opium (Kg) 212 440 765 Cocaine (Kg.) 41 77 116 Acetic Anhydride (Liters) 3,954 6,317 13,523 Captagon (Tablets) 6,694,923 14,073,121 7,609,327 Ecstasy (Tablets) 1,748,796 1,592,200 1,047,559
HEROIN SEIZURES IN EU AND TURKEY 15,000 Turkey – Transit country EU – Target Countries 12,000 10,810 10,274 9,206 8,963 8,975 10,312 9,000 8,069 7,462 ,8844 Kilograms 8,195 6,005 6,067 6,000 6,914 6,052 4,704 3,000 3,820 4,651 3,605 3,509 2,535 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 In 2006, Turkey seized more heroin than all the EU countries combined. (Source: UNODC )
EMERGING THREAT: NORTHERN BLACK SEA ROUTE 1 Operation 121 kg heroin 10 persons arrested 5 Operations 578 kg heroin 19 persons arrested 1 Operation 140 kg heroin 5 persons arrested 1 Operation 142 kg heroin 10 persons arrested K.K.T.C. 3 Primary Routes: - 1. Pakistan and then onto Iran or via Maritime conveyance from the Makran Coast. Heroin is also smuggled by couriers from the major international airport in Pakistan to all parts of the world. Iran then overland to Turkey Northern route through Central Asia to Russia New route running north of the Black Sea! Cooperation and operational information sharing resulted in large seizures in the Ukraine (506 kg), Azerbaijan (142 kg), Kazakhstan (121 kg) and Romania (150 kg) 39/109 39
SYNTHETIC DRUG ROUTES ECSTASY CAPTAGON K.K.T.C. 15,665,321 10,963,979 8,443,719 8,656,886 5,848,457
REGIONAL ECSTASY EVALUATION 2004 2005 2006 Netherlands 5,619,269 306 kg 210 lt 1,854,487 430 kg 12 lt 4,118,300 England 4,650,000 3,243,647 No Data TURKEY 845,390 1,748,796 1,592,200 France 1,893,226 833,648 1,488,919 Germany 2,052,157 1,588,907 1,082,820 Although Turkey is not among the main producing or consuming countries, it is among one of the top three ecstasy seizing countries in Europe.
OPERATIONS CONDUCTED OVER THE LAST 3 YEARS INVOLVING INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Local (59) Abroad (30) Countries (21) Heroin 1,854 Kg 2,244 Kg Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Romania, Saudi Arabia, USA, Georgia, Denmark, England,Spain, Poland, Iran, Ukraine, Italy, Hungary, Norway, Serbia, Belgium, Macedonia, Slovenia, Kazakhstan Hashish 251 Kg Cocaine 62 Kg Opium 10 Kg 5 Kg Captagon 5,734,000 Tablets 2,890,000 Tablets Ecstasy 354,523 Tablets 250,000 Tablets Acetic Anhydride 12,960 Liters
CONTROLLED DELIVERY OPERATIONS ( 1997 – 2007 ) Local (57) / Abroad (77) Countries (19) Heroin 1392 Kg Italy, England, France, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Russia, Canada, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Hungary, USA, Germany, Romania, Greece, Slovenia, Austria, Pakistan. Hashish 3072 Kg Morphine Base 267 Kg Cocaine 65 Kg Opium 57 Kg Captagon 4,720,000 Tablets Ecstasy 100,000 Tablets Acetic Anhydride 29,427 Liters