WITS : INFOLIT THROUGH WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGY” Xoliswa Xanko1 Commerce Library University of the Witwatersrand
OVERVIEW Subject portals Background Motivation Elements of the subject portal Libguides Development at Wits Reasons we changed Elements of Wits Libguides Advantages and Disadvantages Experiences, lessons learnt, & challenges Conclusion
Definitions Subject PortalLibGuide “An online gateway that helps users to quickly & efficiently find reliable scholarly subject based information in one place” Source: alldept.php “a content management tool allowing librarians to organise and present library collections and services to users in a customisable fashion using Web 2.0 applications” Source: Libguides reviewed by Ellie Bushhousen, J Med Libr Assoc. Jan 2009
Motivation Information overflow Tight deadlines Limited knowledge and awareness Unstructured and ineffective searches Increase in library web pages Relevance of portals Value add: Information literacy
Elements of the Subject Portal Assignments Reference Sources Indexes / Databases Locating Subject Journals Web Resources Writing and presenting your work Library Resources
Elements (cont…) Need Information? / Ask a Librarian Course Reserves Company Information Newspapers Current Awareness Statistics Other Libraries Guides and Tutorials
Subject Portals: Old Model
From Subject Portals To Libguides Reasons why we wanted change Author access to guides All changes through Webmaster Need of timely updates Little opportunity to innovate Single scrolling page vs Tabs Usage statistics
Libguides Product from Springshare 2009: Discussions to consider Libguides March 2010: Trial access & experimentation April 2010: Funding finalised May 2010: Subscription June 2010: Training sessions for Librarians July 2010: Libguides Team established
Development of Wits Libguides Libguides Team Decision: Migrate elements and content of old Subject Portals Develop a Wits Library Libguides Template for guidance Balance standardisation and creativity Develop checklist for Quality Control
Checklist for Quality Control Consistency tab names and order Adjustments for disciplines Colour & fonts Use of Link boxes Details of Librarian profile boxes
Elements of Wits Libguides Home Library Services Reference Sources Electronic Resources Need Help Useful web links Basic steps in the Research Process
LIBGUIDES ADVANTAGES Tailor-made guides Flexibility No coding knowledge Auto generated content Easy to navigate Ease of including dynamic content and multimedia Increased usage of electronic resources Attachments Comprehensive usage statistics Feedback Box Create back-up files Multiple authors Subject knowledge Libguides Team Xoliswa Xanko15
LibGuides Disadvantages Initial setup – time consuming Intense & repeated training Manual migration from old Portals to Libguides Not free
Libguides Experiences & Lessons Learnt Team approach is better Benchmarking Value-add New skills and competencies Input & feedback Sharing templates Used as course guides, readers advisory, etc
CHALLENGES Target key academics Positive relationship Demos to Schools Cross linking School websites and Libguides Possibility for Classroom & Libguides integration Regular updates Student Training Presentations - Senate Library Committee, 2011
CONCLUSION Libguides are an effective, efficient, user friendly web 2.0 technology - a gateway to vast information resources What Libguides have done for Wits Personal gratification Subject knowledge Increased usage of electronic resources Information literate user
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