World Religions An original Power Point by Brad Austin
What is Religion? Religion is a way of thinking about: Origins (where did we come from?) Purpose/meaning (why are we here?) Destiny (where are we going? what happens when we die?) Who we are Who/what God is
What is Religion? Religion is a way of acting, of living, a social system: Spiritual practices: meditation, chanting, prayer, ritual Physical forms: Crucifix, Menorah, statues Community celebrations: Christmas or Chanukah
Major Religions of the world Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism
Monotheistic one God Christianity Judaism Islam Buddhism
Polytheistic many gods Hinduism
Islam Mohammed is the founder of this religion. A person who follows this religion is called a Muslim. This religion is mainly located in the Middle East. The holy book is the Koran (Qur’an). The place of worship is a mosque. Muslims pray to their god Ala
Islam Haj (pilgrimage) Prayer 5 times a day facing east toward Mecca
Hinduism Beliefs Reincarnation Karma Polytheism Caste System This religion is practiced mainly in India.
Hinduism Reincarnation - Your soul is reborn into a newly created life. Karma – Your actions will be rewarded both good and bad. “What goes around comes around” Caste System
Priests Teachers Strength Protection Support Servants Craftsman Farmers Merchants Latrine Cleaners Leather workers Street sweepers
Caste System Your family name denoted what caste you were in. This system did not allow social mobility during a lifetime. Your family was all in the same caste. Your caste determined your job. You cannot marry outside of your caste. To move to another caste you must reincarnated into another caste. The caste system is now outlawed!
Buddhism Founder is Siddartha Gautama (Buddha) Similar to Hinduism Practiced in S.E. Asia Reincarnation Nirvana
An eternal state of bliss or final peace Similar to heaven Reincarnation until you reach it Not the rock band
Christianity Founded in Middle East Based on teachings of Jesus A person who follows this religion is called a Christian. This religion is located world wide The holy book is the Bible The place of worship is a Church. Some similarities to Judaism
Christianity Three Main Sects Protestantism Catholicism Orthodox
Christianity Roman Catholic or Catholicism Original Christian religion which descended from the original Christians in Rome at the time of Christ Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church Based in Rome Major Catholic countries: Spain Italy France Poland Ireland Most of Central and South America
Christianity Orthodox Church Officially separated from Catholic Church in 1054 Based mostly in Eastern Europe Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, Rumania, Ukraine, Turkey, Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, & Serbia
Christianity Protestant Church Group of several churches that broke from Catholic teachings in 16 th century Major conflict w/ Catholic church was sale of indulgences Indulgence is paying money for forgiveness of sins Calvinists, Lutherans, Baptist, Methodist, & Anglican churches Most of USA, Germany, Scandinavia, & England
Judaism Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people, based on principles and ethics embodied in the Bible (Tanakh) and the Talmud. The "Torah," the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, is the most important Jewish scripture. Judaism is among the oldest religions People who practice this faith are called Jewish Jewish people worship in a Temple Practiced mainly in Europe, North America, and Israel
Judaism Have faced much persecution over the years Holocaust Over 6 million Jewish killed by Nazis Pogroms of Russia Arabs vs. Israel Yom Kippur War 7 Days War