Film Topics: Acting Mr. Skaar ALHS Film Studies
Introduction Film acting is a complex and variable art which can be broken down into four categories: u Extras u Nonprofessional performers u Trained professionals u Stars Actors are tools of the director.
Topics of Discussion n Stage and Screen Acting n The American Star System n Styles of Acting u Formalism—expressionism, surrealism u Realism—genre n Casting
Stage and Screen Acting n Stage u Live audience u Actor creator u Voice a critical element n Screen u Studio u Director creator u Appearance critical element
The American Star System n Backbone of American film industry since 1910 n Stars made by public n Wealth and power n Golden Age—1930s and 1940s studio system (MGM, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Twentieth Century Fox, RKO) n Personality vs. Impersonation n Charm n Archetype
Styles of Acting n Formalism u Expressionism u Surrealism n Realism u Genre—Sci-Fi, Western, etc. u The Method—Become the part u Elia Kazan, Lee Strasberg u French New Wave--Improvisation
Casting n Matching the role to the actor n “Casting is characterization”— Hitchcock n Scripts are often written around actors playing the part. n Casting can be intentionally deceiving.
Film Topics: Drama Mr. Skaar ALHS Film Studies
Introduction Drama and film are not two aspects of the same art. Films are not recordings of plays. The language system of each are fundamentally different. Movies have a far broader range or techniques available.
Topics of Discussion n Time, Space, and Language n The Director n Settings and Décor n Costumes and Makeup
Time, Space, and Language n Cuts allow for jumps in time, flashbacks n Cuts allow for spatial variety, close-ups, long shots, etc. n Language, sound opportunities extensive in film
The Director n Stage Director u In charge of rehearsal u Not in charge of performance u Actors are the artists. n Film Director u In charge of everything F Rehearsal F Mise en scène F Editing F Sound u Director is artist
Settings and Decor n The set provides an extension of the theme of a dramatic work. u Can be either formalistic or realistic u Stage sets somewhat restricted. u Film sets almost unlimited. F Shoot outdoors (on location) or in studio F Special effects
Costumes and Makeup n Extremely important as an insight into character (Nevesky, e.g.) n Costume analysis: u Period u Class u Sexuality u Age u Fabric u Accessories u Color u Body exposure
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