The ultimate goal of any actor should be to make us believe completely in the reality of the character They must be able to project sincerity, truthfulness, and naturalness in such a way that we are never aware that they are acting a part Becoming the character can be done on of two ways, from the outside or the inside
OOutside approach- do the behavior and it starts to seep inside ◦L◦Learn to limp and discover why the character limps IInside approach- begin with the feeling and memory and those affect your behavior ◦L◦Learn why the limp is there and then let that affect the limp
Impersonators- have the talent to leave their real personality behind and to assume the personality of a character with whom they may have few characteristics in common Interpreters- play characters closely resembling themselves in personality and physical appearance, and they interpret these parts dramatically without wholly losing their own identity Personality- primary talent is to be themselves and nothing more
Directors must consider many aspects of an actor when casting a part to make sure the part comes off convincingly Some problems can be solved in the production phase, but many can not Sometimes a director decides a cast should not have any one star ◦ Ensemble acting- performance by a group of actors whose roles are of equal importance
Typecasting- consigns an actor to a narrow range of almost identical roles Supporting players- the major stars play off them (sometimes as foils) and they make the major stars shine brighter