Background: Zucchetti Centro Sistemi (ZCS) Automatic Cloakroom (Hotel-Casino) Storage Warehouse for large scale retail trade Automatic Assembly for Industrial Laundries (Hospitals) Automatic Systems working 24 hours a day for Laundries and Laboratories
PRODUCTS : Automatic Cloakroom (Hotel-Casino) Storage Warehouse for large scale retail trade Automatic Assembly for Industrial Laundries (Hospitals) Automatic Systems working 24 hours a day for Laundries and Laboratories
PHOENIX SYSTEMS For Hospitals ZCS has projected, developed and carried out a innovative system for uniforms distribution in the hospital field The System works with Multiread RFID System
LAVERAN HOSPITAL Marseille (France) One RFID Automatic Return Chute for soiled Garments Two automatic Doors for the Redelivery of Garments 3.618 Hanging Garments
VIENNE HOSPITAL (France) Automatic System for Uniforms’ Assembly according to hospital department Automatic Garments’ Loading and Unloading System 500 assembled Garments/hour The System uses RFID Technology
HOSPITAL CENTER DOUAI (France ) Automatic System for Uniforms’ Assembly according to hospital department Automatic Garments’ Loading and Unloading System 500 assembled Garments/hour The System uses RFID Technology
MUR HOSPITAL Nancy (France) 4 Dispensers for the acceptance Doors for dirty garments 11 dispensers of clean garments 2.640 folded garments automatically available The system uses the RFID technology
LA PAZ UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Madrid (Spain) 7 acceptance doors for dirty garments 7 dispensers of clean garments 1680 folded garments automatically available The systems uses the RFID technology
HOSPITAL MOLLET DEL VALLES Barcelona (Spain) 1 acceptance door for dirty garments 2 dispensers of clean garments 480 folded garments automatically available
HOSPITAL CISANELLO Pisa (Italy) 1 acceptance door for dirty garments 3 dispensers of clean garments 720 folded garments automatically available The systems uses the RFID technology
HOSPITAL TORVERGATA Roma (Italy) 7 acceptance doors for dirty garments 9 dispensers of clean garments 2160 folded garments automatically available 1 inventory conveyor 4 deliveries conveyors capacity 6200 garments hanger available automatically The system uses RFID technology
HOSPITAL SABADELL (Barcelona) Parc Tauli - Spain 4 acceptance doors for dirty garments 3 Delivery doors for clean garments 1 inventory conveyor 3 deliveries conveyors 5000 garments hanger available automatically The system uses RFID technology
HOSPITAL MAZZONI USL 13 Ascoli Piceno (Italy) 1 Receiver for dirty garments 1 Dispensers for folded clean garments 240 folded garments automatically available The system uses the RFID technology
HOSPITAL S. MARIA Udine (Italy) 2 Acceptance doors for dirty garments 2 Delivery doors for clean garments 2 inventory conveyors 4000 garments hanger available automatically The system uses RFID UHF technology
Hospital Antica Scuola Dei Battuti Mestre (Italy) 2 Acceptance doors for dirty garments 1 Delivery door for clean garments 1 inventory conveyors 800 garments hanger available automatically The system uses RFID UHF technology
HOSPITAL USL 3 Pistoia (Italy) 2 Acceptance doors for dirty garments 2 Delivery doors for clean garments 2 Delivery conveyors 3600 garments hanger available automatically The system uses RFID UHF technology
OSPEDALE USL 4 Prato (Italy) 2 Acceptance doors for dirty garments 3 Delivery doors for clean garments 2 Delivery conveyors 5000 garments hanger available automatically The system uses RFID UHF technology
MODULAR CONVEYORS The only conveyor completely modular on the market It can fit in every kind of ambient, even if very narrow Silent and safe Strong and reliable