Child Trafficking: The Glasgow Response Moira McKinnon Principal Officer Child Protection Team Glasgow City Council Social Work


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Presentation transcript:

Child Trafficking: The Glasgow Response Moira McKinnon Principal Officer Child Protection Team Glasgow City Council Social Work

Evidenced based response to child trafficking based on; local research in conjunction with national / international studies practice knowledge child safeguarding principles good and bad experiences ! emerging concerns about unaccompanied children arriving in the city, not knowing where from, where going and what happening 2007 – Child Protection Committee meeting to discuss – child trafficking sub group established; research commenced 2009 –Case file analysis published; recommendations implemented and practice developments including CT guidance 2010 – 2011 – UK monitoring of London SCB toolkit; Glasgow research (professional views) published; reissue guidance 2012 – Ongoing monitoring, research (Journey so Far ) published, further policy and practice developments

GLASGOW MODEL Manage trafficking under child protection Multi agency case discussion considers the C/YP circumstances – decision will be reached re referral to NRM (UKBA invited to case discussion if asylum issues) NRM completed jointly by social work and police Core group may be identified and child’s plan managed by multi agency group Trafficking assessment (CTA) completed to support ongoing risk assessment processes in conjunction with broader child protection assessment (Integrated Assessment Framework) Negative decisions by competent authority do not negate local authority child protection responsibilities Central monitoring of all child trafficking referrals by child protection team

CHILD TRAFFICKING ASSESSMENT (CTA) Brief background details (of young person within their family / country of origin) Movement (within countries; across borders; across UK; how travelled; timescales; time at locations etc; entry into trafficking process;– eg sold; passage bought; abducted; escape; present accommodation) Exploitation / abuse (evidence and / or suspicions; types of exploitation; locations; length of exploitation; freedom of movement) Trafficker (description; relatives; gender; title; job; names; relationship to child; still in contact etc) Means of control (how child controlled; threats (to child & family); grooming; violence, voodoo, oaths, captivity, debt) Additional risk factors (likely to be from indicator matrix; include health; other contacts) Agency contact / actions taken (police; social work; UKBA; voluntary; overseas) Views of young person (if appropriate) Analysis / Assessment of Needs and Risks in relation to trafficking (why believe trafficked / not; present safety; future risk of trafficking) Conclusion & recommendation (CP required, action plan, outcomes)

What we know to date 139 children known to child protection team where there have been some concerns re trafficking 2/3 evidence of movement and exploitation (many identified pre NRM) 42 referrals to NRM (18 positive; 5 negative conclusive grounds) All NRM referrals non UK nationals 31 UASCs; 7 Eastern European (A8)

THE JOURNEY SO FAR – 2012 Some reluctance to refer to CA (especially A8 children) CP multi-agency decisions overruled by Competent Authority Reluctance to allow contradictions and anomalies in children’s narratives Fear / panic for some professionals when faced with potential trafficking case undermines good social work / multi-agency practice Safeguarding assessments are generally limited – based on victim’s perception of events - without pre UK information effectie future planning compromised Many children / young people have settled in Glasgow and progressed BUT 25% have indicators of continued exploitation – trafficking is a process that doesn’t necessarily end when in contact with authorities

THE JOURNEY SO FAR – 2012 Basic safeguarding and child protection practice Accommodation (social work - residential units under 16; supported accommodation 16-17) Welfare & development (health and education) Legal / immigration support – Legal Services Agency Advocacy / peer support – Guardianship Project Trauma / mental health support - Compass BUT No systematic evaluation of services to date to identify which best contribute to the positive outcomes for the 75% of children and young people who appear to be progressing well in Glasgow