It is the ability to come up with fresh, unconventional, unique, appropriate & effective ideas that can be used as solutions to an advertiser’s communications problems
Determining what the advertising message will say or communicate Creative Strategy Creative Strategy Creative Tactics Creative Tactics Determining how the message strategy will be executed
To influence consumer feelings toward a product, service or cause The approach used to attract the attention of consumers The way an appeal is turned into an advertising message The way the message is presented to the consumer The approach used to attract the attention of consumers The way an appeal is turned into an advertising message © 2003 McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., McGraw-Hill/Irwin Advertising Appeals Advertising Appeals Execution Style Execution Style
It is the central message to be used in the ad Advertising appeals are mainly classified as---- Rational Appeal Emotional Appeal & Moral Appeal
These appeals are those that focus on audience’s self-interest & are directed at the thinking aspects of decision making process