El Shaddai Ministries April 4, 2015 Welcome to Sabbath Service! Nissan 15,
2 Grace and Holiness
3 Need for GRACE English/ Hebrew Hebrew Letters grace /Chen Final Noon Chet Practice Writing English/ Hebrew Hebrew Letters Rest Noa-ch Chet Vav Noon Practice Writing
4 Guarding English/ Hebrew Hebrew Letters Observe /Shamar Practice Writing Reysh Mem Sheen
Exodus 34:6-7New American Standard Bible (NASB) 6 Then the L ORD passed by in front of him and proclaimed, “The L ORD, the L ORD God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; 7 who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.” “Derek” Pathway School – “Who is our Yahweh God?” List the following: Your Name____________________________________________ Your Parents Names____________________________________________________ Your Grand Parents_____________________________________________________ Your Great Grand Parents________________________________________________ 17 Galatians 5:22-23 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 humility, self control. Nothing in the Torah stands against such things. Pray for family Underline the character traits of God. James 3:17-18 New King James Version (NKJV) READ the character traits of wisdom. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peaceby those who make peace. READ the character traits of the fruit of the Spirit. 5
English/ Hebrew Hebrew Letter: Write from right to left English/ Hebrew Hebrew Letter: Write from right to left Passover (Pesach) Chet Samech Pey Feast of Unleavened bread (Hag HaMatzah) First Fruits Hag Bikkuram Mem Yud Reysh Vav Kaf Yud Bet Gimel Chet Jesus (Yeshua) Pentecost Shavuot Tav Vav Ayin Vet Sheen Holy Spirit Ruach HaQodesh 6 Let’s Learn Hebrew Spring Feasts of the Lord Hey Tsade Mem Hey Gimel Chet Hey Ayin Vav Sheen Yud Sheen Dalet Qoof Hey Chet Vav Reysh
7 1.Is anyone more important to you than Yahweh God? 2.Is anything more important to you than Yahweh God? 3.Is any activity more important to you than Yahweh God? 4.What is an idol? 5.What is a false god? Read Exodus 7:17- 11:7 #__ Exodus 10:1-4 #__ Exodus 10:21-23 # __ Exodus 11:4-7
The first Passover (Pesach) Un-Leaven Bread was with Moses and the people of Israel in Egypt as slaves. Exodus 12:1-4, 6-8, The first (1 st ) Passover of Un-leaven Bread 1.Who told Moses and Aaron to do The Passover of Un-Leaven Bread (bread without yeast?) _________________________________ 2.When was the first Passover? _________________________________ 3.Who was at the first (1 st ) Passover? _________________________________ 4.Where was the first (1 st ) Passover? ________________________________ 5.What happened during Passover? Read Exodus 12:1-4, 6-8, The LORD Egypt Moses and Aaron community of Israel Fourteenth of the first month
The second Passover was celebrated with Moses and the Children of Israel in the Wilderness at Mt Sinai when they dedicated the tabernacle. Leviticus 23:5-8, Exodus 40:2, Numbers 9:1-5 Also read: Exodus 34:6-7 “Who is our God” 9 The second (2nd) Passover of Un-leaven Bread 1.When the LORD spoke to Moses what did He said to tell the Israelites? ________________________________________ 2.Where was the second (2nd) Passover? ___________________________________ 3.When did Moses and the Israelites celebrate the Passover? ________________________________________ 4.What happened during Passover? Read Exodus 40:2, Numbers 9:1-5 celebrate the Passover fourteenth day of the first month in the wilderness of Sinai
Jesus (Yeshua) Passover(Pesach) Celebration Many generations later, over 2000 years ago Before Passover (Pesach) /Un-leaven Bread 1.What did Jesus sit on? ________________________________ 2.The crowd in Jerusalem spread their ______________ on the road and others spread ____________________. 3.The people all around Jesus were shouting? (Read Mark 11:9-10) 4. Jesus entered the Temple and began To drive out what? (Shout out Verses 11:15-16) 5.Jesus said “The Scriptures declare, My Temple will be called ? ___________________________________ 6.What happened during Passover? Read Mark 11:1-11 Read verse 11:17 Aloud. Jesus cleanses the temple before Passover. Jesus enters Jerusalem before Passover 10 young donkey garments leafy branches house of prayer for all nations,
Jesus (Yeshua) Passover (Pesach) 11 Many generations later, over 2000 years ago Passover (Pesach) 1.Jesus sent two of his disciples into _____________ with instructions to setup the Passover meal. How did they know where to go? Read Mark 14: Who was at the this Passover? _____________________________ 3As they were at the table eating, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, one of you eating with Me here will __________ 4.Read Mark 14: What happened during Passover? Jesus (Yeshua) our Passover Lamb Jesus (Yeshua) is Alive now and forever Read Mark 14:12-26 Jerusalem Jesus arrived with the Twelve betray Me.”
12 Set Apart for God Jesus (Yeshua) is Alive now and forever Tape Bible verses here
13 Importance of Feasts of the Lord
14 Read each day beginning April 5 read scripture and put date on line. Choosing to follow God’s Way with His Love and His Help!