Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformation What were the tenets (beliefs) of Zwingli? =FI2oFvEUfXE&edufilter=scO_Mq_i PeSU9rbqR5CtTQ&safe=active =FI2oFvEUfXE&edufilter=scO_Mq_i PeSU9rbqR5CtTQ&safe=active
Ulrich Zwingli: The Swiss Reformation Humanistically educated—credited Erasmus for his reform path – Rejected clerical celibacy, indulgences, fasts, transubstantiation, and purgatory – Preached the authority of scripture alone In 1519 Zwingli became the people’s priest in Zurich
Zwingli created a union of church and state in Zurich (theocracy) – Required church attendance by all citizens – Regulated many aspects of personal behavior— enforced by court
The Marburg Colloquy p. 414 Major issue dividing Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli—be specific Result of the Marburg Colloquy Cause and result of the Swiss Civil Wars
Differences between Zwingli and Luther Major issue: The Eucharist—Zwingli believed the sacrament was symbolic while Luther argued Jesus’ presence in communion 1529—Luther and Zwingli met for the Marburg Colloquy to settle their disagreement – No final concessions were made by either Theological differences with Luther prevented an alliance with the German Protestants
Switzerland divided into cantons: some Catholic and Protestant 1531—the Swiss Civil War forced the Swiss Catholics to recognize the Protestants (Peace of Cappel), but Zwingli was captured and executed
Have you ever seen? Mennonites and Amish What religious umbrella do they fall under
What do I already know about Anabaptists?
Anabaptists & Radical Protestants Conrad Grebel and the Swiss Brotherhood – Refused to baptize children, believing that only a consenting adult can accept Christ. – Physically separated themselves from secular society The Anabaptist reign in Munster – Dutch emigrants led an Anabaptist takeover in – The features of the regime included charismatic leaders and polygamy. – It was crushed by united Protestant and Catholic armies.
Radical Protestant Groups – Spiritualists rejected institutional religion of traditions and institutions Only religious authority was God’s spirit – Antitrinitarians rejected the Trinity Supported a religion based on commonsense, rationale, and ethics
Topic: Anabaptists Important Detail: Anabaptist problem with Luther and Zwingli Important Detail: Conrad Grebel and principles of Anabaptists Important Detail: Reaction of Lutherans, Zwinglians, and Catholics to Anabaptists (actions taken) Summary Question: What was the major issue that united Lutherans and Catholics against the Anabaptists? Important Detail: Major principle of Anabaptists and why