Graffiti Автор: Фролов Ростислав, Учащийся 8 «А» класса МОУ гимназии №1
Introduction The art of graffiti has become very popular in our town for the last decades. Although it is considered to be the kind of street art the government of our town pays a great attention to its development, especially because in the year of Olympic Games in Sochi ( 2014 ) the graffiti artists are those who are expected to decorate our native town and prepare it to this enormous event. The aim of our project is to detect which graffiti style dominates in order to develop less popular styles. According to the aim we put forward the following problems of the research: To study the history of graffiti; To define why Graffiti is considered to be antisocial Kind of Street Art; To study and analysis the existing styles of graffiti; To present the results of estimation of the poll on the topic; To make the comparative analysis of graffiti art styles in Sochi. The results of the project can be used in the spheres of sport activities and outdoor games in schools, art schools and by those who join art groups, theatrical groups or drama groups. The materials of the project are also a good addition to the lessons including history of art, countries, history of society.
Styles of Graffiti. Tagging. Namely from this type you may begin counting-out the history of graffiti, although in present time tagging is only its application. Tag-writer’s signature, his nickname, which he makes it by one colour. It is inevitable part of graffiti; tag is overlooked obligatory under all works.
Throw up. The simplest style, preferred by bombers, for which priority in work is not quality, but velocity of the execution. Often it is also practiced by the beginners. It arose in New-York. This style presents itself curves of the lines of the letters, painted inwardly determined by colour. The first colour-sidebar, the second-potting: in throw up there are used whole 2 colours, mainly, black and white, or black and silvery. The main condition here-construction of the coloures and their combinality with each other.
Please write here your answers on the questions. Your name: Surname: I n what school do you study? Is it important to know the differences between styles of graffiti? Would you like to become a graffiti artist? How do you think, graffiti is a special variety of art or existence of vandalism? Do you know what graffiti is used for by members of the bands? Do you know the history of graffiti? Do you know work peculiarities of “graffiti artists”? Thank you for your opinion. Please write here your answers on the questions. Your name: Surname: I n what school do you study? Is it important to know the differences between styles of graffiti? Would you like to become a graffiti artist? How do you think, graffiti is a special variety of art or existence of vandalism? Do you know what graffiti is used for by members of the bands? Do you know the history of graffiti? Do you know work peculiarities of “graffiti artists”? Thank you for your opinion.
Tagging…………………………. 20% Bombing…………………..……. 0% Writing. …………………..…..…. 53% Scratching………………..………. 0% Throw up. ………………..………..7% Blockbusters. ……………..……….3% Dynamic styles. ……………………2% Computer Roc Style………….…… 0% Messiah Style………………….….. 2% Kamufluazhnyy Style. ….………….0% The Electric style. …………...……..0% FX (Dam style, 3D)………….…….. 9% Character. …………………………..1% Bubble. ………………………..…… 3%
Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples going back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Graffiti can be anything from simple scratch marks to elaborate wall paintings. In modern times, spray paint and markers have become the most commonly used materials. In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without the property owner's consent is considered vandalism, which is punishable by law. Sometimes graffiti is employed to communicate social and political messages. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions, to others it is merely vandalism. There are many different types and styles of graffiti and it is a rapidly evolving art form whose value is highly contested, being reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction. Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples going back to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Graffiti can be anything from simple scratch marks to elaborate wall paintings. In modern times, spray paint and markers have become the most commonly used materials. In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without the property owner's consent is considered vandalism, which is punishable by law. Sometimes graffiti is employed to communicate social and political messages. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions, to others it is merely vandalism. There are many different types and styles of graffiti and it is a rapidly evolving art form whose value is highly contested, being reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction.Ancient GreeceRoman Empirespray paintmarkersvandalismAncient GreeceRoman Empirespray paintmarkersvandalism Confinement
Literature Quik writing: an alternative to GraffitiQuik writing: an alternative to Graffiti Butter, Andrea; Pogue, David (2002), Piloting Palm, New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp , ISBN Pogue, DavidJohn Wiley & SonsISBN PalmOne overturns Xerox Graffiti patent, The Register, PalmOne overturns Xerox Graffiti patentThe Register Xerox To Appeal PalmOne Ruling, TechNewsWorld, Xerox To Appeal PalmOne Ruling Xerox collects from PalmOS, The Australian, July 4, 2006Xerox collects from PalmOSThe AustralianJuly