What is Graffiti? Graffiti is a type of deliberate marking on property, both private and public. Graffiti artists would tag on public property without permission. This is called vandalism. In the past graffiti was used as a tool to mark the artist or gangs territory. The artist would tag their name plus the street they occupied at the time. Graffiti art has developed over the years into a respectable art form. Graffiti art has moved away from vandalizing buildings and subways to a form of public expression.
What does graffiti art say? Graffiti can take the form of pictures, and words. What do you see? This graffiti art was done by the artist called OVIE.
What makes up Graffiti? Graffiti is composed of: –Text –Symbols –Images –Color
Ovie was born in Brooklyn, New York Ovie started tagging as a teenager in The artist personal tag was Ovieone Ovie tags can be found on trains. He calls himself a train bomber.
Ovie’s graffiti
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