Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) The Information Backbone to transform the Logistics Enterprise PLCS - PLCSlib Future STEP architecture meeting Toulouse June 2014 PLCS TOG
PLCSlib - Acknowledgements Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation UK MoD Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) Sweden’s FMV French MoD - SIMMT Boeing BAE Systems Rolls Royce Black & Rossi DNV Eurostep CRESCENDO Project (EU R&D project) LOTAR project RASSC project (UK TSB R&D project)
Data Exchange Specification (DEX) Organization A Data Exchange Specification (DEX) Organization B Business Objects Model Exchange process specifies maps Templates Ref. Data maps PLCS PSM uses specializes maps maps Transformed System model System model PLCS PSM XSD References Translator Translator 1) Why exchange data? System A System B 2) What data to be exchanged? 3) How to exchange data?
PLCSlib - Summary Integrated set of PLCS information: PLCSlib Managed by: OASIS PLCS TC: Developed as an open source Sourceforge project: Published daily: Training Videos + online help Publication environment OASIS – and any other standard Packaging Technology Adoption of OMG’s SysML Multiple COTS tool support: Magicdraw, Topcased, UModel Improved XML Schema + use of Schematron Information Model UML Concept model Implementation model – PLCS PSM EXPRESS -> SysML -> XML Schema + Schematron Derived from AP239 ed2 Aligned with AP242 Business Object Model EXPRESS SysML XML Schema + Schematron OWL based reference data DEX architecting tools SysML based templates & DEXs 87 Templates published as OASIS Committee Spec Ref Data developed
PLCSlib as a standard OASIS ISO 10303 Published as OASIS Committee specification (Oct 2013) ISO 10303 OASIS PLCS PSM derived from ISO 103030-239 ed2 PLCS PSM aligned with AP242 Business Object Model EXPRESS aligned XML Schema aligned Plan to submit PLCS PSM for consideration as the BOM for ISO 10303-239 ed3
Reflect current status including PSM and PLCSlib NATO AC-327 UID in WG-5 STANAG 4661 edition 2 updated to new layout and now point to specific edition of the ISO standard Reflect current status including PSM and PLCSlib
PLCS PSM based deployments French MoD, DGA SIMMT (production) Contracting for information, In-service support DEXs + Business Object Model + templates + Ref Data PLCS based data exchange and sharing Sweden: FMV (production – in development) Legacy system replacement Norway: NDLO (production – in-development) USMC (pilot) In-service support, Maintenance and repair BAE Systems Maritime (production – in-development) In-service support Complete code generation of OASIS PLCS PSM Templates PLCS based data exchange and sharing BAE Systems Land (production) Support for managing through life information, Provision of support data at acquisition, then in-service support Honeywell Technical Data Packs to suppliers CRESCENDO / MOSSEC (R&T – Standards development) DEXs + Business Object Model + templates + Ref Data LOTAR (R&T – Standards development) RASSC (R&T )
PLCS PSM: Status PLCS PSM Model Comprises: Aligned with AP242 Business Objects Templates Business process PLCS PSM XSD PLCS PSM PLCS PSM: Status PLCS PSM Model Comprises: EXPRESS Model SysML Model XML Schema + Schematron Covers scope of AP239 ed2 Aligned with AP242 Now stable and implementations undertaken using off the shelf technology EXPRESS -> Java EXPRESS -> .NET SysML XMI -> Oracle SysML XMI -> Java XSD -> Java XSD -> XSLT XSD -> .NET
Business Objects Templates Business process PLCS PSM XSD PLCS PSM Templates Status: Approach been tested by developing business templates and DEXs in a number of domains: Modelling & Simulation (CRESCENDO / TOICA EU projects) Requirements management (NDLO/BAE Systems) Product configuration (NDLO, BAE Systems, SIMMT (French MoD), Sweden’s FMV) Maintenance / Operational feedback (USMC, SIMMT (French MoD)) Long term archiving (LOTAR) Number of OASIS level templates have been developed Implementation Used in two ways: Guidance XSL, Java Code generation Java, Oracle .NET
One public DEX: Consumption of Life Business Objects Templates Business process PLCS PSM XSD PLCS PSM DEX Status One public DEX: Consumption of Life As a reference and a proof of approach Several Business DEXs developed and in deployment Modelling & Simulation (CRESCENDO / TOICA EU projects) Requirements management (NDLO/BAE Systems) Product configuration (NDLO, BAE Systems, SIMMT (French MoD), Sweden’s FMV) Maintenance feedback (USMC, SIMMT (French MoD)) Long term archiving (LOTAR)
Reference Data Domain ref data <domain>-en.owl Business Objects Templates Business process PLCS PSM XSD PLCS PSM Reference Data Domain ref data <domain>-en.owl <domain>-sv.owl imports PLCS ref data plcs-rdl-en.owl plcs-rdl-sv.owl imports PLCS model plcs-psm-en.owl plcs-psm-sv.owl imports Meta data SKOS Dublin Core
Reference Data status PLCS model reference data PLCS reference data Aligned with PLCS PSM Terminological definitions PLCS reference data Initial set developed and published as OASIS Committee Specification
Development & Publishing environment PLCSlib status Development & Publishing environment Available as an open source Sourceforge project: Published daily: Training Videos On line help available Change Control board in place
OASIS PLCS TC policy All future development be done using SysML based PLCSlib DEXlib will be deprecated PLCS PSM and XML Schema is the PLCS exchange format PLCS PSM, XML Schema and PLCS PSM Reference Data are standardized as OASIS Committee Specifications and will be submitted as for inclusion as part of ISO 10303-239 ed3 SysML based PLCSlib templates, PLCS ref. data and DEXs are standardized as OASIS Committee Specifications PLCS Inc. (c) 2002
PLCS CCB - Mondays at 1500 European time open to all Telecon PIN: 057189 Telecon numbers: UK: 0844 4 73 71 14 France: 0821 230 748 United States: 1 415 363 0833 Sweden : 0939 2066 400 SkypeOut +49 1803 001 178 Agenda: PLCS CCB handles Inputs To Improve PLCS raised on Sourceforge PLCS PSMmodel Issues against the PLCS PSM model PLCSlib infrastructure Issues against the PLCSlib infrastructure PLCS templates Issues against the PLCSlib templates PLCS Ref. data Issues against PLCS reference data PLCS MUguide Issues against model usage guides PLCS DEX Issues against PLCS DXEs Group: PLCS Technical Oversight Group SC, Creator: Mr. Tor Arne Irgens
Release schedule Maintenance releases once per year q4 next Maintenance release q4 2014 Minor improvements and corrections to existing PLCS artifacts, e.g. new templates, new reference data bugfixes Next Harmonization release mid 2016 Focus on harmonization with AP242 BOM - AP 242 e2 Changes to PLCS Model, e.g new blocks Knock on changes to templates Current plan to publish as part of AP239 ed3 mid 2016
ISO 10303-239 ed2 Published as a full ISO standard 2012 Small increase in scope Greater compatibility with Systems Engineering and PLM ISO standards Adds: Risk, Verification & Validation, better effectivity / baselining Model subsequently evolved to PLCS PSM and aligned with AP242 BOM
ISO 10303-239 ed2 Summary of changes from ed1 Used latest editions of modules Extended Selects Added: System / non abstract Product Analysis Validation & verification Risk Created: Collection Product Environment Same-as Conditional effectivity Identification relations Modified: Message Observation Resources Product category – removed from modules Justification – added assumption
PLCSlib The PLCSlib repository of DEXs and their supporting components is organized as follows: Contexts: An index of all the Contexts; A Context identifies a domain or business purpose area for which DEXs are defined; DEXs: An index of all the DEXs; A DEX identifies and documents a subset of the ISO 10303-239 (PLCS) information model required for a specific business purpose; Templates: An index of all the Templates; The usage of the PLCS information model by a DEX is defined through templates. The templates provide a precise specification of how the model is used to represent a given concept; Model Usage Guides: An index of all the Model Usage Guides; Model Usage Guides provide guidance on how the information model and templates should be used. Reference data: An index of the Reference Data used by the DEXs; Reference data provides a tailorable vocabulary that adds business specific semantics to the information model. Concept model: A high level model of the main concepts used in ISO 10303-239. It is intended to be used to introduce on a single page the scope that PLCS addresses. Activity model: The ISO 10303-239 Activity Model that illustrates the business activities that are supported by ISO 10303-239; PLCS PSM: The PLCS Platform Specific Model (PLCS PSM) that is used as the data exchange form for all DEXs. The PLCS PSM is a SysML model; NOTE For a summary of these components and inter relationships, see: PLCS technical overview.