Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) The Information Backbone to transform the Logistics Enterprise PLCSlib status PLCS OASIS TOG Filton, UK Rob Bodington Eurostep Limited
TOG recommendations to TC: What To adopt the new SysML approach To freeze development within DEXlib and focus OASIS PLCS TC efforts on new approach: PLCSlib That all future OASIS PLCS TC standards will be based on PLCSlib with DEXlib being deprecated To request that the implementers forum focus their efforts to PLCSlib based implementations TC support How PLCSlib is released into the public domain All stakeholders review the new approach TOG provides further webinars to explain approach TOG develop a plan for completion of PLCSlib Include the development and deployment of at least one DEX TC determine when to shutdown DEXlib 2 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Recommendations from PLCS TOG Meeting Filton, UK Aug 2011
Plan Release into PLCSlib public domain Provide further training Develop some PLCSlib DEXs Timescales: PLCSlib draft released ASAP PLCSlib baselined and published before Dec 30. Including: Stable PLCS PSM Use PSM as is, but change Date / Value in XML Set of templates Set of Ref data Exemplar Dex Guidance on development within PLCSlib Develop checklists as we develop the DEXs + components PLCSlib XSLT environment DEXpro Infrastructure setup CM process 3 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Recommendations from PLCS TOG Meeting Filton, UK Aug 2011
UK MoD / LOG NEC Delivery Partner project Project partners: UK MoD, LOG NEC Delivery Partner (Boeing Defense UK), Eurostep, Rolls-Royce Assess the new approach Develop DEX Develop exemplar XML Evaluate Building a DEX DEX data Develop necessary/essential PLCSlib components to take PLCS forward with the new approach DEX components PSM XSD DEX Templates Reference data (Out of scope – being developed on FMV project) ISO e2 PLCSlib development/ publication infrastructure Transition DExlibe2 to Opensource PLCSlib Scripts for creating / publishing DEX components Error checking DEX development guidance Webinars / how to guides Model usage guide 4
LOTAR AP242/PLCS PSM harmonization project Project partners: LOTAR project, Eurostep, PdTEC Deliverable (Phase 1): A set of recommendations for harmonization in the following areas: Identification, Classification Properties Physical Instance / Product As Realized Part Common XSD Approach Propose changes to AP242 BOM and PLCS PSM to the PLCS and AP242 communities for consideration. Deliverable (Phase 2) – not yet started: A set of recommendations for harmonization in the following areas: Common XSD Approach Part 2 Assemblies Breakdown Requirements Activity/Work Order/Work Request Specification Control (if time) 5
FMV Reference Data project Project partners: FMV, TNC, Eurostep Simplify the RDL file structure Remove the need for personal RDL files Separate development from publication Improve the quality of the Reference Data Improve the descriptions – using Terminological experts (TNC) Ensure consistency Extend Reference Data allow multi-language labels and descriptions Identify alternative labels Changes Use of OWL2 DL – improved annotation capabilities Use of SKOS – to support additional annotations Correct use of DC – removed PLCS extensions Investigating SWRL/SPARQL for Quality rules 6
PLCSlib Status: Infrastructure PLCSlib Refactored to be PLCSlib Publically available - Released as SourceForge project for collaborative development Managed under CVS Using SourceForge bug tracking Help files provided How to guides provided, Documented XSD Webinars in development Utilities Ant scripts to: Set up Templates, DEXs etc. Build HTML Tool dependence Reduced dependence on Magicdraw 7
PLCSlib Status: Components PSM / XSD Proposed a number of changes for harmonization with AP242 Proposed changes to PSM and XSD Templates Developed a number of proposed OASIS templates As before – but modified to be based on proposed harmonized PSM DEX Developed Exemplar DEX “ConsumptionOfLife” Developed Exemplar business templates required for the DEX Developed example data set for DEX Reference Data Updated reference data to be based on proposed harmonized PSM Updated OWL Dublin Core annotation properties to consistently use DC properties Updated to use SKOS for support of Terminological entries (separate out definition from description, add Example, Comment annotations and additional labels. Multilingual support Model usage guides Initiated development Using Concept model as framework for structuring guidance 8
SourceForge use of Wiki, web and exploders? setup PLCSlib on PSM Further harmonization possible Change impact on Templates / Ref Data / Model usage guides Route to standardization? Governance Templates Review proposed templates Develop missing templates DEX Develop OASIS DEXs Maintenance & Repair Item Identification Task Specification Reference Data Review add Units Add improved definitions Infrastructure Develop checklists Discussion 9