Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) The Information Backbone to transform the Logistics Enterprise PLCSlib status PLCS OASIS TOG Filton, UK 09-03-2012 Rob.


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Presentation transcript:

Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) The Information Backbone to transform the Logistics Enterprise PLCSlib status PLCS OASIS TOG Filton, UK Rob Bodington Eurostep Limited

TOG recommendations to TC: What  To adopt the new SysML approach  To freeze development within DEXlib and focus OASIS PLCS TC efforts on new approach: PLCSlib  That all future OASIS PLCS TC standards will be based on PLCSlib with DEXlib being deprecated  To request that the implementers forum focus their efforts to PLCSlib based implementations  TC support How  PLCSlib is released into the public domain  All stakeholders review the new approach  TOG provides further webinars to explain approach  TOG develop a plan for completion of PLCSlib Include the development and deployment of at least one DEX  TC determine when to shutdown DEXlib 2 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Recommendations from PLCS TOG Meeting Filton, UK Aug 2011

Plan  Release into PLCSlib public domain  Provide further training  Develop some PLCSlib DEXs Timescales:  PLCSlib draft released ASAP  PLCSlib baselined and published before Dec 30. Including: Stable PLCS PSM  Use PSM as is, but change Date / Value in XML Set of templates Set of Ref data Exemplar Dex Guidance on development within PLCSlib Develop checklists as we develop the DEXs + components PLCSlib  XSLT environment  DEXpro  Infrastructure setup  CM process 3 PLCS Inc. (c) 2002 Recommendations from PLCS TOG Meeting Filton, UK Aug 2011

UK MoD / LOG NEC Delivery Partner project Project partners: UK MoD, LOG NEC Delivery Partner (Boeing Defense UK), Eurostep, Rolls-Royce Assess the new approach  Develop DEX  Develop exemplar XML  Evaluate Building a DEX DEX data Develop necessary/essential PLCSlib components to take PLCS forward with the new approach  DEX components PSM XSD DEX Templates Reference data (Out of scope – being developed on FMV project) ISO e2  PLCSlib development/ publication infrastructure Transition DExlibe2 to Opensource PLCSlib Scripts for creating / publishing DEX components Error checking  DEX development guidance Webinars / how to guides Model usage guide 4

LOTAR AP242/PLCS PSM harmonization project Project partners: LOTAR project, Eurostep, PdTEC Deliverable (Phase 1):  A set of recommendations for harmonization in the following areas: Identification, Classification Properties Physical Instance / Product As Realized Part Common XSD Approach  Propose changes to AP242 BOM and PLCS PSM to the PLCS and AP242 communities for consideration. Deliverable (Phase 2) – not yet started:  A set of recommendations for harmonization in the following areas: Common XSD Approach Part 2 Assemblies Breakdown Requirements Activity/Work Order/Work Request Specification Control (if time) 5

FMV Reference Data project Project partners: FMV, TNC, Eurostep  Simplify the RDL file structure Remove the need for personal RDL files Separate development from publication  Improve the quality of the Reference Data Improve the descriptions – using Terminological experts (TNC) Ensure consistency  Extend Reference Data allow multi-language labels and descriptions Identify alternative labels Changes  Use of OWL2 DL – improved annotation capabilities  Use of SKOS – to support additional annotations  Correct use of DC – removed PLCS extensions  Investigating SWRL/SPARQL for Quality rules 6

PLCSlib Status: Infrastructure PLCSlib  Refactored to be PLCSlib  Publically available - Released as SourceForge project for collaborative development Managed under CVS Using SourceForge bug tracking Help files provided  How to guides provided,  Documented XSD  Webinars in development Utilities  Ant scripts to: Set up Templates, DEXs etc. Build HTML Tool dependence  Reduced dependence on Magicdraw 7

PLCSlib Status: Components PSM / XSD  Proposed a number of changes for harmonization with AP242  Proposed changes to PSM and XSD Templates  Developed a number of proposed OASIS templates  As before – but modified to be based on proposed harmonized PSM DEX  Developed Exemplar DEX “ConsumptionOfLife”  Developed Exemplar business templates required for the DEX  Developed example data set for DEX Reference Data  Updated reference data to be based on proposed harmonized PSM  Updated OWL Dublin Core annotation properties to consistently use DC properties  Updated to use SKOS for support of Terminological entries (separate out definition from description, add Example, Comment annotations and additional labels.  Multilingual support Model usage guides  Initiated development  Using Concept model as framework for structuring guidance 8

SourceForge  use of Wiki, web and exploders?  setup PLCSlib on PSM  Further harmonization possible Change impact on Templates / Ref Data / Model usage guides  Route to standardization?  Governance Templates  Review proposed templates  Develop missing templates DEX  Develop OASIS DEXs Maintenance & Repair Item Identification Task Specification Reference Data  Review  add Units  Add improved definitions Infrastructure  Develop checklists Discussion 9