Scenario 9.0 Greenbook Publishing “Produce a presentation quality budget document (i.e., Greenbook and Budget-in-Brief (BIB)) including the capacity to tie numbers in budget and performance tables/exhibits to numbers in text fields.” 1
9.1 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to create and modify standard templates, including text, tables, and graphics, into which users can put data. BFEM Methods Create Document Template Assign, Upload, Edit, Run Template Copy/Paste 2 Customers using Method Treasury State DHS ACF CNCS House of Reps USAID DOJ Demonstration Treasury: 2014 CJ Doc Template
9.1 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to create and modify standard templates, including text, tables, and graphics, into which users can put data. 3
6 9.2 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to manage large amounts of textual information including the ability to edit and format narratives (e.g., bullets/numbers, bold/italics/underline, inclusion of footnotes, etc.). BFEM Methods Master Doc Editing Master Doc Macro Assign, Upload, Edit, Run Template Copy/Paste Customers using Method Treasury State DHS ACF CNCS House of Reps USAID DOJ Demonstration Treasury: Congressional Justification or BIB
9.2 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to manage large amounts of textual information including the ability to edit and format narratives (e.g., bullets/numbers, bold/italics/underline, inclusion of footnotes, etc.). 7 Example: Treasury’s OIG Congressional Justification Chapter
9.2 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to manage large amounts of textual information including the ability to edit and format narratives (e.g., bullets/numbers, bold/italics/underline, inclusion of footnotes, etc.). 8 Example: Treasury’s OIG Budget in Brief Chapter
9.3 Demonstrate the tool's ability to spell-check narrative content and perform a global find and replace. BFEM Methods Compatibility with Microsoft Word for track changes and global find and replace Compatibility with Excel for global find and replace 9 Customers using Method Treasury State DHS ACF CNCS House of Reps USAID DOJ Demonstration Treasury: 2014 CJ Chapter in Microsoft Word
9.3 Demonstrate the tool's ability to spell-check narrative content and perform a global find and replace. 10 Example: Treasury CJ Chapter using Microsoft Word track changes and find and replace.
9.4 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to merge text, graphics, and tables/exhibits to produce a Bureau’s Greenbook and the Department’s Budget-in-Brief (BIB) including all document formatting (e.g., cover page, table of contents, pagination, headers/footers, etc.). Additionally, demonstrate that textual information can be displayed in a multi-column layout (as shown in the example BIB document). BFEM Methods Master Document Compatibility with Microsoft Word for multiple column layout 11 Customers using Method Treasury State ACF Demonstration State: Greenbook Treasury: BIB Chapter
9.4 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to merge text, graphics, and tables/exhibits to produce a Bureau’s Greenbook and the Department’s Budget-in-Brief (BIB) including all document formatting (e.g., cover page, table of contents, pagination, headers/footers, etc.). Additionally, demonstrate that textual information can be displayed in a multi-column layout (as shown in the example BIB document). 12 Example: IRS Congressional Justification
9.4 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to merge text, graphics, and tables/exhibits to produce a Bureau’s Greenbook and the Department’s Budget-in-Brief (BIB) including all document formatting (e.g., cover page, table of contents, pagination, headers/footers, etc.). Additionally, demonstrate that textual information can be displayed in a multi-column layout (as shown in the example BIB document). 13 Example: Treasury BIB Chapter
9.5 Demonstrate the tool’s administrative capabilities to modify the format and structure of the budget document (e.g., add/remove sections, reorder sections, etc.). BFEM Methods Adjusting the Master Document for entire doc Adjustment Template for chapter/Bureau docs 14 Customers using Method Treasury House of Reps State DHS ACF CNCS USAID DOJ Demonstration House of Reps: House Budget Justification
9.5 Demonstrate the tool’s administrative capabilities to modify the format and structure of the budget document (e.g., add/remove sections, reorder sections, etc.). 15 Example: Edit the Master from doc templates
9.6 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to tie numbers in budget and performance tables/exhibits to numbers in text fields for handling last minute changes. BFEM Methods Changes to BFEM data entry automatic change in report run Click to Edit for B2E/E2B Embedded Text Tags 16 Customers using Method Treasury State DHS ACF CNCS House of Reps USAID DOJ Demonstration Treasury: CJ Budget Adjustment $/FTE Tags House: Embedded Content Tags in Chapter Templates
9.6 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to tie numbers in budget and performance tables/exhibits to numbers in text fields for handling last minute changes. 17 With Embedded Tags Run Report
9.6 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to tie numbers in budget and performance tables/exhibits to numbers in text fields for handling last minute changes. 18 With Embedded Tags Run Report
9.7 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to create, maintain, and save different versions of the budget document within each stage of the budget cycle while maintaining an audit trail of changes made. BFEM Methods Budget set versioning – copy docs to new set while keeping current docs unchanged Create new docs in set 19 Customers using Method Treasury State DHS ACF CNCS House of Reps USAID DOJ Demonstration Treasury: Departmental Submission, OMB Submission, and CJ Documents (by Set)
9.7 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to create, maintain, and save different versions of the budget document within each stage of the budget cycle while maintaining an audit trail of changes made. Example: Set versioning creates a new set with new docs and docs in previous set are unchanged. 20
9.7 Demonstrate the tool’s ability to create, maintain, and save different versions of the budget document within each stage of the budget cycle while maintaining an audit trail of changes made. 21 Example: Add new doc templates within a budget set.