A New Religious Map p. 111. Introduction Plagues caused an interest in belief systems that could provide solace Christianity became widespread in the.


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Presentation transcript:

A New Religious Map p. 111

Introduction Plagues caused an interest in belief systems that could provide solace Christianity became widespread in the Mediterranean Buddhism spread further into Asia In 600 CE – Islam spread The new religions did share some similar features… intense devotion, piety, offering of hope They all blended with prior beliefs offering a new process called syncretism

Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism Hinduism retained much of its beliefs Expanded the use of popular language and worship of new goddesses – Devi Buddhism changed much more… monks began pushing the faith Developed bodhisattvas – the was a doctrine that claimed that individual people could attain nirvana through their own meditation – remaining in the world as saints

Buddhism became more emotional Spread to China The east Asian form changed – called Mahayana – they retained the basic beliefs but put more emphasis on Buddha as a god to whom you appeal to Buddhism had an impact on women in China – claiming that women and men had souls – but China altered this belief Here we see an example of cultural blending – syncretism

Confucian leaders did not like Buddhism It was seen as a threat that might distract from loyalty to the emperor Remained a minority in China for some time Daoism rejected Buddhism as well Today, over 500 million people call themselves Buddhists

Christianity One of the 2 largest faiths worldwide Placed more emphasis on the church Preached of a messiah – Jesus Believed to be the son of God Jesus was a preacher/teacher After his death they looked to his resurrection… His message was clear – one God, faith, and good works – like communion Paul was crucial in the spreading of Christianity and the writer of most of the new testament

He encouraged formal organization of the church This led to the idea of a Pope or “papa” which means father of the church Another key tenant of Christianity was the trinity – God in 3 persons Augustine helped solve crucial problems in the early church – why sin? Why judge? Benedict started a monastery to train priests to teach the word of God

Encouraged men and women to worship together which no other faith did Christians refused to put the state ahead of God They challenged slavery Pushed for discipline and hard work Latin was the official language of the church Then came Islam in 600 CE – which would remain the largest challenger of Christianity today