CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR‘S HOLIDAYS It‘s time for fun and a lot of games It‘s a splendid opportunity to re- creat the Bulgarian traditions and customs
First of all we need a Christmas decoration
Santa Claus takes his central place and shows that the holidays are coming.
Every classroom is dressed with a Christmas-tree.
The art exhibition made by our school artists and decorated with Christmas- stars
This is our Christmas bazaar of handmade greeting cards
CHRITMAS TIME It‘s an old Bulgarian tradition that waits go carolling to each home.
Тhe students from the 7th grade have learnt Christmas carols, worn traditional costumes and prepared a cornel twig with wishes. Now they are ready to wish health, happiness and success to everyone at our school.
They are entering in the rooms with a carol. The host is taking a wish from the cornel twig and is treating them to fruit, nuts and the traditional ring- shaped bun.
The children from the kindergarden are looking forward the guests. They will see the school waits for the first time.
The headmaster is taking a wish and is giving presents to the waits.
Every student is taking and reading his wish The waits are welcome everywhere.
The parents have prepared Christmas cookies for the last school day.
Now it`s time for the school concert
The school talants are wishing their parents and classmates a Happy New Year with dances, poems and songs.
The folk group is showing traditional songs
…and the little actors are re- creating old customs.
The most tipical New Year custom in Bulgaria is sourvaki. The children are the main figures in it.They`ve learnt rhymes and prepared sourvaknitsas.
Sourvaknitsa is a decorated cornel twig used by children to top people‘s backs when wishing them a Happy New Year.
Happy New 2010 to all of us