NobleHour Setup Instructions for Students in Courses Requiring Community Site Verification of Service or of Work Spring 2015 For follow-up questions or assistance, please contact: Heather Daly, Staff Assistant MWCC Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement
You will receive at your MWCC address an invitation to your specific course group on NobleHour. The invitation will look similar to the shown on the left below. Click the blue “Join Now” link in your NobleHour invitation to reach NobleHour’s yellow “Get Started” button. If you did not receive an invitation or inadvertently deleted your invitation , please contact Heather Daly at or at If you already have a NobleHour account, you must still click the blue “Join Now” link in your invitation and login to NobleHour when prompted in order to be enrolled in the correct course group.
Complete the fields to create your NobleHour account. (If you already have a NobleHour username and password and have not yet logged into NobleHour, please instead click the yellow “Log In Now” button.) Please use your MWCC address when creating your NobleHour account. You devise your own password. You do not need to use the same password you use for your MWCC . You are welcome to use the MWCC Gardner campus zip code instead of your home zip code, if you prefer. The MWCC Gardner campus zip code is You do not have to choose to receive news and tips from NobleHour. If you have any concerns about using NobleHour or about the personal data that NobleHour requests, please contact the MWCC Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement to discuss.
Once you login to NobleHour, if you don’t see the MWCC logo at the top left of your screen, click the globe icon near the top right of your screen and find “Mount Wachusett Community College”.
To setup your service timesheets, click “Hour Tracking” on the blue menu bar and then “Track a New Opportunity” on the side menu bar that will appear.
Find your course on the drop-down list of “my current crediting groups” and then click “Select Group”. Make sure the group you select matches your specific course, your instructor, and your course section (if there are multiple sections of your course). (If your specific course or course section does not appear on your drop-down list of “my current crediting groups”, find your course or course section on the list of “all Mount Wachusett Community College groups” on the lower half of the page. Alternatively, re-open your invitation and re-click the blue “Join Now” link… then return to “Hour Tracking” and “Track a New Opportunity”.)
On the next screen, look for Option 1 “Find my organization and select opportunity.” Enter a unique search term for the name of your organization. You can leave the other fields blank. Click the blue “Submit” button to search for your organization.
Scroll down the screen to see your search results. If your host site appears among the search results, click the “Select” button next to your host site. If your host site does not appear among the search results, type a different search term and try the search one time. Examine the search results carefully to make sure you select your specific host site. Some large organizations have two or more smaller organization pages on NobleHour, such as “American Red Cross Disaster Services” and “American Red Cross Blood Services”.
If you found (and selected) your host site from among the search results, you will then see a list of opportunities available at that organization. Choose the opportunity that corresponds to the type of service or work you have agreed to provide at the host site. Many sites list only a “General Opportunity”, which you may select if no other opportunity is listed or other opportunities do not describe your intended service or work. If you did not find your host site from among the search results, please see the next page for further instructions.
If you did not find your host site in the search results, scroll beyond the search results to Option 3 “I can’t find my organization.”
If you did not find your host site among the search results, complete the information requested about your service or co-op site.
Regardless of whether you found your host site among the search results or whether you did not find your host site among the search results, you should now review your final setup. Make sure your “crediting group” accurately shows your course and that your organization is listed correctly. (Your specific information will likely be different than the example shown below. ) Click “Submit”. Your setup is complete!
From now on, whenever you login to NobleHour and click “Hour Tracking” on the dark blue menu bar, you will see this “Add Daily Hours” screen, where you report the date, start time, end time, and “Work Reflection” for your service or work. Your “Work Reflection” should be a very brief description of your service activity or work on that particular date, such as “Tutored 5 th graders in math” or “Provided Facebook training for senior citizens”. You can enter additional dates after clicking “Add” for each report. When your report is complete, click the black “Submit” button on the badge corresponding to your service or work at the lower right corner of the screen.
Review the timesheet that will then appear on your screen. This is the exact timesheet that your host site supervisor and course instructor will receive. If you need to correct the information for any date on your report, click the pen icon next to that date to edit the information associated with that date (or to edit the actual date). To submit your report, type your name where indicated, click the box indicating you have reviewed your report, and click the “Submit” button at the foot of the report. You will then be given the option to print your timesheet. If you provided an address for your host site supervisor, you do not need to print your timesheet; your timesheet has already been sent via to your supervisor for verification. If your service site supervisor has asked for paper timesheets due to lack of computer access at the site, take advantage of the option to print your timesheet when the option is offered. Return signed timesheets to the MWCC Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement, Room 152, Gardner Campus.
Whenever you want to report your service learning hours, the link to NobleHour can be found on iConnect’s Home menu. Always access NobleHour from iConnect! If you instead use Google or another search engine to find NobleHour, you will land in nationwide NobleHour (where it can be difficult to find your timesheets and your information) instead of MWCC’s NobleHour community.
Whenever you want to view the status of your timesheets or your total credited hours, click “Hour Tracking” on the dark blue menu bar and then “Submit Hours”. The “View Submitted Hours” and “My Hours Reports” options allow you to view (and “unsubmit”, if needed) reports you have already submitted… or simply view which reports have been approved.
The bottom half of “My Hours Reports” provides additional detail about your service or work, as shown below. Please note that the “Total” column in the chart at the bottom of “My Hours Reports” is not a reliable indicator of your total service or work hours, as the “Total “ column can include rejected hours. View the “Credited” column instead for an accurate record of how many hours have been verified (if required by your instructor) and accepted by your instructor.
The MWCC Center for Civic Learning and Community Engagement is available to help you if you have any questions about using NobleHour or encounter any problems. Please call Center Staff Assistant Heather Daly at or her at if you seek assistance.