1a Job Descriptions for Personnel Involved in PAT Implementation Materials Developed by The IRIS Center, University of Maryland
2 Personnel Project Manager Field Supervisors Interviewers Sampling and Survey Tracking Coordinator Data Processing Coordinator Data Processors
3 The following slides describe important activities to be done during the implementation process. The IRIS Center recommends that the people involved in implementation be assigned specific job titles and are required to complete specific tasks. However, the divisions of work recommended are not required as part of the implementation process.
4 Project Manager In-charge of the overall implementation of the field survey Assigns tasks to staff or hire outside assistance Develops implementation plan Ensures that the team is on schedule Oversees the translation of the questionnaire Able to troubleshoot and devise back-up plan Reports to MRR or oversees reporting to MRR
5 Ideal Qualifications for Project Manager: Experience in project management Experience in monitoring and evaluation Experience in managing staff Experience in budgeting Knowledge of local language
6 Skills Good communicator Motivator Good writing skills
7 Field Supervisor Manages interviewers Assists the project manager during training Coordinates daily activities of the interviewers Conducts first round of quality control on questionnaires
8 Ideal Qualifications for a Field Supervisor : Experience in conducting surveys Experience in training Experience in managing teams Problem solver Strong leadership skills Attention to details Good at time management
9 Interviewers Arrange to meet the respondents for interview Conduct interview in the local language Introduce survey properly Build trust with the respondent Record the responses accurately
10 Ideal Qualifications for Interviewers: Research experience Good interviewing techniques – being polite, thorough, probing well, completing surveys Knowledge of local language Problem solving skills Good communications skills Able to work for long hours but maintain quality
11 Sampling and Survey Tracking Coordinator Track progress of the survey implementation and maintain the sampling plan Participate in sampling selection Oversee quality control of survey forms Confirm that all surveys have been handed in and are complete Maintain sampling proportions if completed surveys must be eliminated
12 Ideal Qualifications of Sampling and Survey Tracking Coordinator: Research experience Ability to make quick decisions Attention to detail Time management Familiarity with respondent population
13 Data Processing Coordinator Oversees the data processing Installs the software Leads training on EPI Info Supervises data input and cleaning Ensures that all survey data have been entered Analyze data Save the survey records often and securely
14 Ideal Qualifications for Data Processing Coordinator: Background in statistics Experience in data analysis Experience with computers Leadership capabilities Ability to ensure confidentiality Good communication skills
15 Data Processors Learn EPI Info Enter the data Ensure that data is correctly entered Report any problems found on surveys
16 Ideal Qualifications for Data Entry Processors: Experience in data entry Knowledge and familiarity of basic computer programs Attention to detail