A Colored Avocado Seed Extract as a Potential Natural Colorant Vol. 76, Nr. 9, 2011 pgs. C1335-c1341 Deepti Dabas, Ryan J. Elias, Joshua D. Lambert, Gregory R. Ziegler Pennsylvania State University, University Park Funded in part by NIH grant AT By Abby McNeil and Jason Price
Introduction +O 2 Avocado Seed WaterOrange Color Formation + Experimental Objectives: Characterization of color formation Describe the mechanism of color formation Discuss properties of Avocado Extract
Materials Buffer solutions – Saline at various pHs (2, 4, 6, 7.5, 9, 11) Reagents – Mushroom PPO – Horseradish Peroxidase – Hydrogen Peroxide – Tropolone – Methanol – Sodium Carbonate Solution Avocado Seeds Blendor Branson Sonicating Water Bath Centrifuge Spectrophotometer Incubators Desiccator
Methods Preparation of colored extract Kinetics of color formation Role of PPO in color formation Role of Peroxidase in color formation Phenolic content of the colored extract Effects of pH on color of extract Color Stability
Results/Discussion Kinetics of color formation Role of PPO in color development Phenolic Content Effect of pH on color Stability of the colored extract
Kinetics of Color formation A) visual color change B) Spectral scan of 35- min sample C) Abs (λ max from B) D) Color change w/ time of incubation
Methanol: Ethyl Acetate Water Fraction Total Phenolic Content
Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths – Phenolic content gives potential cause of good natural colorant – Broad coverage of potential uses and safety of avocado seed extract – Results communicated well through visuals – Detailed discussion – Growing interest in natural colorant sources Weaknesses – pH factor: storage conditions must be considered – Not enough research One of the most recent avocado seed experiment
Our Suggestions for improvement Further research is required to make strong claims to the positive contributions Avocado seeds can make to Food Chemistry and the food industry.