Polish General Revisory Union for Social Cooperatives Warszawa, 4-5 luty 2008 r.
Social cooperatives and another institution working on social economy level from all Poland initiate our Polish General Revisory Union.
Good occasion to consolidate our potency in Polish General Revisory Union for Social Cooperatives were first meeting and participation delegates from social cooperatives in organized workshops. This workshops were arrange in 2006 and 2007 for Institute of social politics on Warsaw University - Partnership for development, Collectivity Enterprise EQUAL. The workshops had three ideas: take a knowledge about manage social company – special : social cooperatives and how important is place of social economy subject for local development. how people can build local partnerships, and knowing law and institution aspects of social economy development.
How PGRU sets up…
On 22 June 2007 in Byczyna Opole province had place founder convention of Polish General Revisory Union for Social Cooperatives. Patron for this meeting was National Cooperatives Council. The representatives from 19 social cooperatives from all Poland sets up Polish General Revisory Union for Social Cooperatives with headquaters in Warsaw.
Social cooperatives who were members and founder PGRU : Social Coperatives Helpful hand from Sosnowiec Social Coperatives Helpful hand from Sosnowiec Social Cooperatives Our from Koszalin Social Cooperatives Our from Koszalin Social Cooperatives from Krakow Social Cooperatives from Krakow Social Cooperatives Dragon from zamość Social Cooperatives Dragon from zamość Services – Trade – Productuions Social Cooperatives – from Byczyna Services – Trade – Productuions Social Cooperatives – from Byczyna Social Cooperatives WwwPromotion – from Wrocław Social Cooperatives WwwPromotion – from Wrocław Multiple Social Cooperatives Polgraf – from Byczyna Multiple Social Cooperatives Polgraf – from Byczyna Social cooperatives Good Beginning – from Mikołów Social cooperatives Good Beginning – from Mikołów Multiple Social Cooperatives Chance – from Ruciane Nida Multiple Social Cooperatives Chance – from Ruciane Nida Social Cooperatives Pro – Eko - from Wrocław Social Cooperatives Pro – Eko - from Wrocław Multiple Social Cooperatives Cell – from Kędzierzyn Koźle Multiple Social Cooperatives Cell – from Kędzierzyn Koźle Social Cooperatives Helpful Hand – from Bystrzyca Kłodzka Social Cooperatives Helpful Hand – from Bystrzyca Kłodzka Social Cooperatives Unity – from Chorzów Social Cooperatives Unity – from Chorzów Multiple Social Cooperatives Joint case from Radom Multiple Social Cooperatives Joint case from Radom Multiple Social Cooperatives Gorliceman – from Gorlice Multiple Social Cooperatives Gorliceman – from Gorlice Multiple Social Cooperatives Five – from Łodź Multiple Social Cooperatives Five – from Łodź Krakows Social Cooperatives Vifenix – from Krakow Krakows Social Cooperatives Vifenix – from Krakow Multiple Social Cooperatives Ares – from Kielce Multiple Social Cooperatives Ares – from Kielce Social Cooperatives Arm – from Tarnobrzeg Social Cooperatives Arm – from Tarnobrzeg
Authority of PGRU … On the founder convention sets up PGRU, accept its constitution and choose authority: Members of the Board of directors of PGRU are: Members of the Board of directors of PGRU are: Marcin Juszczyk (leader) - Services – Trade – Productuions Social Cooperatives – from Byczyna Marcin Juszczyk (leader) - Services – Trade – Productuions Social Cooperatives – from Byczyna Jerzy Lamprecht (vice leader) - Social Cooperatives WwwPromotion – from Wrocław Jerzy Lamprecht (vice leader) - Social Cooperatives WwwPromotion – from Wrocław Mirosław Możdżeń (secretary) - Social cooperatives Good Beginning – from Mikołów Mirosław Możdżeń (secretary) - Social cooperatives Good Beginning – from Mikołów Adam Polak (member) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Gorliceman – from Gorlice Adam Polak (member) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Gorliceman – from Gorlice Władysław Trybulski (member) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Joint case from Radom Władysław Trybulski (member) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Joint case from Radom Jan Błaut (member) - Social Cooperatives Unity – from Chorzów Jan Błaut (member) - Social Cooperatives Unity – from Chorzów Jacek Gąsowski (member) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Ares – from Kielce Jacek Gąsowski (member) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Ares – from Kielce
Members of PGRU govern : Jacek Imioła (president) - Social Coperative Helpful hand from Sosnowiec Jacek Imioła (president) - Social Coperative Helpful hand from Sosnowiec Józef Kłosiński (vice president) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Cell – from Kędzierzyn Koźle Józef Kłosiński (vice president) - Multiple Social Cooperatives Cell – from Kędzierzyn Koźle Aneta Englot (member) - Social Cooperatives Arm – from Tarnobrzeg Aneta Englot (member) - Social Cooperatives Arm – from Tarnobrzeg
Registration of PGRU According to the law PGRU is registred in National Court Regisration since 23 Nov 2007 and have law constitution.
Goals of PGRU … In meaning of founders PGRU, this union will be supporting for development of social economy in the range of reintegration for social outcasts. In meaning of founders PGRU, this union will be supporting for development of social economy in the range of reintegration for social outcasts. Goals of union are: promotion and supporting for ideas of social cooperatives promotion and supporting for ideas of social cooperatives activity for social and job reintegration activity for social and job reintegration guarantee of help for members of PGRU in their constitutionally activity guarantee of help for members of PGRU in their constitutionally activity
PGRU range of activity: cooperation and help with setting up social cooperatives and with realization of their constitutionally activities cooperation and help with setting up social cooperatives and with realization of their constitutionally activities organizing of trainings for workers and members of cooperatives, initiating social training organizing of trainings for workers and members of cooperatives, initiating social training provide of instructive, advisory publishing, cultural, and social – educational activities provide of instructive, advisory publishing, cultural, and social – educational activities initiating and unfold for cooperation between cooperatives and collaboration with science institutions initiating and unfold for cooperation between cooperatives and collaboration with science institutions cooperating for cultivation of social self – governing and cooperation municipality cooperating for cultivation of social self – governing and cooperation municipality representing of interests for cooperatives which are members of PGRU in the face of governmental administration and municipality representing of interests for cooperatives which are members of PGRU in the face of governmental administration and municipality making review for social cooperatives making review for social cooperatives provide any activities making easier for social cooperatives to realizing their constitutionally goals provide any activities making easier for social cooperatives to realizing their constitutionally goals gain and allocation money from government and UE gain and allocation money from government and UE
Our partners: For special attention deserves : For special attention deserves : National Cooperatives Council National Cooperatives Council Institute of Social Politics on Warsaw University Institute of Social Politics on Warsaw University Ministry of Work and Social Politics – Department of Social Assistance and Integration Ministry of Work and Social Politics – Department of Social Assistance and Integration Ministry of Social Development Ministry of Social Development Center of Support for Social Cooperatives in Byczyna Center of Support for Social Cooperatives in Byczyna Members of local governments for Opole province and community Byczyna Members of local governments for Opole province and community Byczyna Association for Development of Local Cooperatives Enterprise Wama Coop from Olsztyn Association for Development of Local Cooperatives Enterprise Wama Coop from Olsztyn
Contact: Adress: Ogólnopolski Związek Rewizyjny Spółdzielni Socjalnych ( Polish General Revisory Union for Social Cooperatives) ( Polish General Revisory Union for Social Cooperatives) Sosnowiec ul. Rzeźnicza 12/ Sosnowiec ul. Rzeźnicza 12/105 phone ;