By. Eva
Spelling Bee in the US 1925 : the US National Spelling Bee by the Courier-Journal (newspaper of Louisville, Kentucky) 1941 : the Scripps Howard National Spelling bee by Scripps Howard News Service 2006 : the National Spelling Bee’s Championship broadcast in ABC
Section Header The speller may ask the pronouncer to repeat the word, define it, use it in a sentence, provide the part of speech, provide the language of origin, or provide the alternate pronunciation
Rules of spelling bee The pronouncer will say the word Spellers are encouraged to REPEAT the words If a speller starts a word over, the sequence that has already been spoken MAY NOT be changed The spelling bee is conducted in rounds. When a speller incorrectly spell a word, the speller drops out of the competition. The speller continues until there is one speller left in the round. one Two Three Four Five
If that speller correctly spells the next word, the speller is declared the champion !
Latin words Curriculum is another word from Latin like necessary and interrupt that has an internal double consonant. Can you think of an adjective related to curriculum that also has double r?
Show Answer curricular
2. Some of the Latin study-list words end with the sound \sh.s\, and the consonant that begins the last syllable is c or t. Can you think of two words in English that end with this sound and are spelled with xious?
Show Answer anxious, noxious, and obnoxious.
Latin Words Three words come from the Latin verb that means "throw." These words are conjecture, dejected, and trajectory.
Greek words apathy \'a-p.-the\ n lack of feeling. The path part of this word comes from the Greek word for "feeling.“ Some other words you might think of: empathy, pathology, sympathy, and telepathy.
1. analysis \.-'na-l.-s.s\ n separation of something into its parts. 2. diatribe \'di-.-.trib\ n bitter or abusive writing or speech. The dia part of this word means "through," "across," or "apart" in Greek words.
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