Greenwood Forest Elementary School Home of the Grizzly Bears! Misty Valley Drive Houston, TX Klein Independent School District
Mission Statement Greenwood Forest has a school wide culture of collaboration through which we effectively plan and implement differentiated instruction that engages all learners resulting in increasing student success and closing the achievement gap.
Goals Each child will achieve academic success to his or her highest potential. Each child will demonstrate the character traits of a productive and honorable citizen in a global community.
Action Plans Increase student performance and close the achievement gap. Recruit and retain the highest quality employees who will provide motivating lessons using materials that enhance student engagement. Promote positive character traits in each student while providing a safe learning environment. Build relationships that encourage parent and community involvement. Source: Greenwood Forest Campus Improvement Plan
Character Development Greenwood Forest implements a school- wide character education program to improve social skills Mentors are assigned to at-risk students to provide support. Great Grizzly Citizenship Awards are presented to students at the end of each nine weeks.
Campus Climate Greenwood Forest fosters a positive campus climate through special programs, dedicated teachers, and strong community involvement. No Place for Hate Red Ribbon Week Peace Walk
Community Greenwood Forest values family and community involvement. On campus parent liaison two and a half days a week, who helps to increase parent involvement in the learning process. Active PTO Computer aided English classes and computer classes, offered in Spanish.
Student Data School Year Total Student Population: Boys: Girls:
Students by Grade GradeCountPercent Kindergarten % First % Second % Third % Fourth % Fifth % Source: Texas Academic Performance Report
Ethnic Distribution School Year Total School Population: 681 Ethnic Distribution CountPercent African American % Hispanic % White % American Indian40.6% Asian608.8% Two or More Races 172.5% Source: Texas Academic Performance Report
Student Demographic Data School Year Total Population: 681 LabelCountPercent Economically Disadvantaged % Non-Educationally Disadvantaged % English Language Learners (ELL) % Students with Disciplinary Placements 10.1% At-Risk % Mobility Rate ( ): 24.2% Source: Texas Academic Performance Report
Standardized Test Scores 2013 Accountability Rating: Met Standard MathReadingScienceWriting All Students 85% African American Hispanic White Asian Economically Disadvantaged Limited English Special Education Percent of Students Passing STAAR Source: Greenwood Forest Campus Needs Assessment
Staff Information Total Staff: 61.3 Professional StaffCountPercent Teachers % Professional Support % Campus Administration % Educational Aides: 8.8% Source: Texas Academic Performance Report
Teachers by Ethnicity and Sex EthnicityCountPercent African American % Hispanic % White % Total Minority Staff: 22.2% SexCountPercent Males % Females % Source: Texas Academic Performance Report
Teachers by Years of Experience Years of Experience CountPercent Beginning % 1-5 Years % 6-10 Years % Years % Over 20 Years % Number of Students per Teacher: 14.3 Source: Texas Academic Performance Report
Special Programs Coach Chipper Destination Imagination Spelling Bee Safety Patrol Holiday Toy Drive Shoe Box Presents
Extra-Curricular Programs Choir Chimes Garden Club Science Club Be A Champion