The Use of Global Datasets for Risk and Vulnerability Assessment: the GRAVITY project Pascal Peduzzi, United Nation Environment Programme Hy Dao Damien Rochette Christian Herold
Context The UNDP/ERD World Vulnerability Report Expert Meeting on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Indexing, Sept UNDP/ERD - UNEP/GRID contract, 4 staffs paid at GRID-Geneva Feasibility study : Feb.-Jun Consolidation : Jul.-Dec. 2001
Risk Mitigation ?
Formula Risk i = Hazard i x Population x Vulnerability i Realized Risk (CRED) Hazard x population Physical exposure = Vulnerability Risk tot = Risk volc + Risk flood + Risk cycl. + … + Risk n
Geophysical and statistical datasets
Access to information in time
Exploration of the CRED For
Selection criterion
Need special consideration for: Tsunamis: Papua New Guinea (67.8%), Ecuador (14.3%) Landslides: China (6%), India (3,46%), Indonesia (13,88%), Peru (33%), Colombia (4,2%), Philippines (4.59%) and Ecuador (10.2%). Need to take into account drought Drought (food insecurity) = 46.54%
The choice of indicators
Using the database on population CIESIN/UNEP
Socio-economic datasets
Identified factors
Crossplot between estimated and realized risk for floods r = 0.61
Several products
Exposure to flood
Thank you