2.2.5 Respiration Follow-Me – iQuiz.


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2.2.5 Respiration Follow-Me – iQuiz

Q. Yeast cells produce ethanol in fermentation Q. Yeast cells produce ethanol in fermentation. Is this process affected by temperature? Explain your answer. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Write a balanced equation to summarise aerobic respiration. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Where in the cell does the first stage of respiration occur? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Give two industrial uses of the anaerobic respiration of yeast. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. What is the final product of the first stage of respiration under aerobic conditions? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Pyruvic acid is used for the second stage of respiration Q. Pyruvic acid is used for the second stage of respiration. Where does this second stage take place? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. If conditions in a human muscle cell become anaerobic pyruvic acid is converted to another substance. Name this other substance. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. When lactic acid builds up in the blood, a person is in oxygen debt Q. When lactic acid builds up in the blood, a person is in oxygen debt. This debt must eventually be paid. Suggest how the debt is paid. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. What is the first stage process of respiration called? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. In the first stage of respiration there is a release of ATP as glucose is converted to another substance. Name this other substance. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. To what is pyruvic acid converted under anaerobic conditions in yeast? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Under aerobic conditions pyruvic acid is converted to an acetyl group and in the process a small molecule is released. Name this molecule. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. In respiration acetyl co-enzyme A enters a cycle of reactions Q. In respiration acetyl co-enzyme A enters a cycle of reactions. What name is given to this cycle? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. To what is pyruvic acid converted under anaerobic conditions in a human muscle cell? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Is oxygen required for the first stage of respiration? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. To what might pyruvic acid be converted, in the absence of oxygen? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Where in the cell does Kreb’s Cycle take place? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. What is the cytosol? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. What is fermentation? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Is oxygen required for the second stage of aerobic respiration? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Suggest a situation in which some cells in the human body may not be able to engage in the second stage of aerobic respiration. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. What term is used to describe respiration in which only Stage 1 occurs? Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature

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Q. Name an organism that is used in industrial fermentation. Aerobic requires oxygen; Anaerobic does not Cytoplasm minus organelles; Liquid part of cytoplasm Lactic acid; Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Anaerobic respiration; Respiration that produces ethanol and CO2 or lactic acid Ethanol and CO2 Mitochondrion Anaerobic: Fermentation Glycolysis No Baking; Brewing Increased breathing (deeper or faster) or oxidation of lactic acid Pyruvic acid (Pyruvate) C6H12O6 + 6O2  ENERGY + 6CO2 + 6H2O Kreb’s cycle Yeast Carbon dioxide Lack of oxygen; Strenuous exercise; Restricted blood supply Yes Cytoplasm Lactic acid Yes. Rate of enzyme action affected by temperature


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