Business Plan Presentation November 28 th, 2012
Why a Business Plan?
Why a Business Plan?
What Did We Do? KLE Foundation ($16.5K) Still Water Foundation ($10K) Aragona Family Foundation ($8.5K) Tapestry Foundation ($8K) $43K
What Did We Do? KLE Foundation ($16.5K) Still Water Foundation ($10K) Aragona Family Foundation ($8.5K) Tapestry Foundation ($8K) $43K Nell Edgington, Consultant Advisory Committee Market Research Jocelyn, Part-Time Sales
Market Research 1.Prioritize industries 1.Grocery 2.Health Care 3.Hospitality
Market Research 1.How to prioritize industries 2.Mitigate price sensitivity – Grocery and Health Care less sensitive – Hospitality extremely sensitive
Market Research 1.How to prioritize industries 2.Mitigate price sensitivity 3.Demand for services is low in a “cold” market – Pull marketing – Network hubs
Market Research 1.How to prioritize industries 2.Mitigate price sensitivity 3.Demand for services is low in a “cold” market 4.Make a value-driven argument
Messaging Shift Old Business Pitch: “Hosting an WORK class will give you a competitive advantage and is a way to demonstrate goodwill towards your immigrant workforce.”
Messaging Shift New Business Pitch: WORK can decrease your business’s costs and increase your revenue. For example, Seton estimated that saved them $250,000 in decreased turnover over 3 years.”
Short-Term Results April: Quadrupled business pipeline
Short-Term Results April: Quadrupled business pipeline June: Piloted new service (1:1 tutoring)
Short-Term Results April: Quadrupled business pipeline June: Piloted new service (1:1 tutoring) Aug: Recruited volunteers for pull marketing and targeted messaging
Short-Term Results April: Quadrupled business pipeline June: Added new service (1:1 tutoring) Aug: Recruited volunteers for pull marketing and targeted messaging Sept: Launched new model and pricing
Short-Term Results April: Quadrupled business pipeline June: Added new service (1:1 tutoring) Aug: Recruited volunteers for pull marketing and targeted messaging Sept: Launched new model and pricing Oct: 5 new courses sold; course revenue 2x
The Plan 1.Target 3 industries: Grocery, Health Care, and Hospitality
The Plan 1.Target 3 industries: Grocery, Health Care, and Hospitality 2.Diversify workplace services. – Tutoring – Certification courses – Training in native language
The Plan 1.Target 3 industries: Grocery, Health Care, and Hospitality 2.Diversify workplace services. 3.Increase revenue per course to $5,000 by 2018.
Financi als
The Need: Capacity-Building Support $140,000$120,000$100,000$50,000$25,000$10,000
Questio ns?