Regional Young Workers’ Committee PSI Inter-Americas Resolutions Guatemala City, March 2014
The representatives from the following sub-regions participated in the meeting: Andean Countries Brasil Caribbean Southern Cone Central America, with emphasis on the participation of the Young Workers from Guatemala. Regional Young Workers’ Committee Guatemala City, March 2014
With the aim to improve the communications work, the following proposals were adopted: To organize monthly on-line meetings among the members of the Regional Young Workers’ Committee. Responsible person: Joao Gabriel, Brasil. To prepare a video on the organization of the Young Workers in the region, until the end of 2014, approaching the precarious work and decent work issues. In order to contribute to the video, all the participants of the meeting in Guatemala will send interviews, information on activities, etc. Responsible person: Shamir Brown, Caribe. To create a quarterly on-line newsletter of the PSI Inter-Americas’ Young Workers. The newsletter will include reports per country elaborated through the contributions sent by the young workers. Responsible person: Marlon Ramos, Guatemala. To stage a stand during the IAMRECON, in order to expose trade union’s communication material made for the Young Workers. The best communication material will be awarded. Communications
With regards to the spaces for acting and the actions within PSI in regional and world level, the following proposals were adopted: To strengthen and improve the organization of the Regional Young Workers’ Network, by creating an list. Responsible person: Ivonne Iturriaga, Southern Cone – deadline: April And to integrate the PSI World Young Workers’ Network. To support the world mapping which the PSI Head Office will carry out on the Youth issues, in order to guarantee that the trade unions answer the research in each sub-region. To actively participate in the PSI Young Workers’ World Meeting in en To propose a project for Young Workers to UDIS, in world, regional and sub- regional level. To integrate the TUCA Young Workers’ Committee. Responsible person: Joao Gabriel, Brasil Structure
Youth Employment Unemployment and precarious work remain as key issues for the Young Workers in the region. Considering theses aspects, PSI Inter-Americas should promote an specific workshop on Youth Work and Employment in 2015, with the aim to gather best practices in public policies for youth employment. ILO, FES and other organizations will be invited to this workshop.
With the aim to encourage and guarantee the participation of the young workers in the next PSI Inter-Americas Regional Conference (IAMRECON) in 2015, the following proposals were adopted: Trade unions which participate with more than 3 representatives at the IAMRECON: at least 1 representative should be a young worker and so forth, respecting this proportion. To guarantee hotel sponsorship for all the young workers. These sponsorships will be aside from the 30 hotel sponsorships per sub-region. To create a prize for the youth-friendly trade unions, that is, the trade unions that fulfill the 30% youth participation in their fees. A plaque should be given to the awarded unions, the corresponding information will be published in the PSI website, etc. To campaign for some trade unions with more financial resources to sponsor Young Workers from countries with more funding difficulties. Young workers’ participation at the IAMRECON
Guatemala As the Regional Young Workers’ Committee meeting was held in Guatemala, it was possible to know more on the local context and to interchange experiences and information with the young trade unionists of the PSI’s affiliates SITRAGUA and SNTSG. With the aim to continue and to strengthen the solidarity actions with Guatemala, the following proposals were adopted: To use the Young Workers’ Network and the social networks for immediate denunciations on the violation of rights in Guatemala, by publishing virtual posters, cell phone videos, letters to authorities, etc. To carry out a video with Young Workers from diverse countries in defense of the trade unionists from Guatemala, with the aim to promote the confidence among the young workers. To support the refuge in other countries if necessary. To encourage the participation of the young workers in the Route of Shame on 4 June, with special attention to Guatemala.