By: XXX XXXX STEM 2 nd Period Fall 2012 POLICE OFFICER
DEFINITION Police Officer: a person having officer rank on a police force.
JOB DESCRIPTION Enforce the law Help the community Assist people
JOB QUALIFICATIONS require a four-year degree in criminal justice A high-school education commonly an associate degree
3 COLLEGES St.Marys University San Antonio College University Of Phoenix-San Antonio Campus
CAREER SALARY Average between $22,000 and $26,000 Some areas pay as low as $18,000 Six years of service earn an average salary of $34,000 or more
INTERESTING FACTS Police Officers use specially trained police dog Drive special police cars Wear special uniforms Use special weapons
CITATION (2012).Police Officer Retrieved from (2012).Police Officer Retrieved fromhttp:// McManus-main.jpg (2012).Police Officer Retrieved (2012).Police Officer Retrieved fromhttp:// 0of%20K-9%20SLEDGE%20800.jpg (2012).Money Retrieved from content/uploads/2011/11/Make-Money-online.jpg
CITATION (2012).St.Marys University Retrieved from e0-4d f31b33df3f9.jpg (2012).Associates Degree Retrieved from content/uploads/2011/06/associates-degree- final.jpg?q=associates+degree&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa.