A hands on approach By Patricia Dickens
Objectives Participants will be able to explain why it is important for young children to learn the alphabet letter names and sounds. Participants will be able to plan a lesson using a hands on activity to teach alphabet letters and sounds. Participants will be able to create an activity to use in teaching students how to manipulate sounds in words.
Alphabet letters and sounds It is important to teach letter names, sounds and formation at the same time. Research shows this is the most effective way to teach phonemic awareness. In order to properly teach phonics, correct modeling of the sounds of the alphabet is essential. View the following video and we will have a short reflection afterwards.
Alphabet Letter Sounds Letter sounds must be taught correctly for phonics instruction to be effective. It is very important to be careful to pronounce consonant sounds properly. We will view a short video about how to pronounce these sounds.
Minute Reflection After viewing the video, reflect on your knowledge of letter sounds. Do you see any changes you should make when you model the letter sounds. Discuss your response with a neighbor.
Phonemic Awareness Research In order to understand the importance of alphabet letter knowledge and phonemic awareness, we will read excerpts from some research articles and have a jigsaw activity. Each group will have an article to read and discuss in your group. Create a poster that highlights the main ideas from the article. Finally each group will explain what they thought was the most important facts from their article.
Knowing the Alphabet Letter-shape knowledge Letter-name knowledge Letter-sound knowledge Letter-writing ability
Activities for teaching alphabet letter names The use of alphabet books in the classroom-teacher talk to support learning. Brain storm ideas for talking about text in an alphabet book. Dramatic play to teach alphabet letter names. Producing alphabet books. Other hands on activities-letter rubbings, writing the letters in shaving cream, magnetic letters and boards.
Alphabet Letter Formation An idea for a hands on way to have children practice letter formation is from Lakeshore. The large letters become “roads” and the children “drive” the little cars over the road. To add an auditory aspect the child can say the letter name and sound as she drives the car over the “road”.
Hands on Activities for Teaching Phonemic Awareness Picture puzzles Elkonin boxes Dramatizing Nursery Rhymes These are some of the activities we will cover more thoroughly in other sessions.
Odd Man Out M Not M
Make and Take Session The remainder of this session will be available for you to prepare one of the activities I have modeled for you.
References Moats, L. C. (2005). Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling Module 1 The Challenge of Learning to Read. Longmont, CO: SOPRIS WEST EDUCATIONAL SERVICES. Calfee, K. A. (2004). Tile Test:A hands-on approach for assessing phonics in the early grades. The Reading Teacher, D.M. Blischak, S. S. (2004). Effects of phonemic awareness instruction on the encoding skills of children with severe speech impairment. Disability and Rehabilitation, Jones, B. A. (2007). Sharing alphabet books in early childhood classrooms. The Reading Teacher, Moats, L. H. (2010). LETRS for Early Childhood Educators. Longmont, CO.: Cambium LEARNING Sopris West. Yopp, H. K. (2000). Supporting phonemic awareness development in the classroom. The Reading Teacher,