Electronic Health Record Incentive Payment Program Stage I Meaningful Use Reporting
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Overview of Stage I Meaningful Use performance measure requirements Navigating the MAPIR application Question and Answers 2
Introductions Thomas Novak, CMS Regional Officer, HITECH Kathy Rivard, Regional Extension Center (REC), Quality Insights, Delaware Randy Farmer, Delaware Health Information Network (DHIN), Provider Relations Provider Incentive Payment Team, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services (HPES) Delaware 3
4 Status of DHIN-EMR Interfaces Bizmatics/Prognosis GE Healthcare (Centricity) iKnowMed MicroMD Office Practicum (Connexin Software) PhysiciansXpress SequelMed Varian ADS Allscripts (Including Eclipsys) Cerner GEMMS InfoQuest Med Plus - Care 360 NextGen STI Computer Services electronic Clinical Works (eCW) McKesson (Practice Partners & Horizon) Elekta
EMR Interfaces 5 There are 208 Practices and 845 Providers with an available certified EHR Interface Potential Practice Impact* 49.6% (208 of 419) of Delaware practices have an EMR that has an interface with DHIN * Due to inconsistent EHR product naming conventions, there may be some overlap between the “Negotiation” and “No Contract” Categories.
Submitting Immunization Information 6 New official process for submitting immunization information to DPH through DHIN -More efficient -More accurate -Supports DHIN’s state chartered role as the community of health records Go to (Healthcare Providers/Division of Public Health) for directions on establishing your processwww.dhin.org Typical Transport MethodOrg Type DIRECT Secured MessagingSmall Independent Practices Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)Commercial Organizations (e.g. Pharmacies) or Large Practices Establishing An InterfaceLarge Hospital Systems and Organizations 3 Ways To Submit Your Immunization Information
7 Delaware Provider Incentive Program Team The “PIP” Team Lead: Shawn Carter Sharon Charles Grace McGrath Mary Randolph Raymond Tieso Phone: , option 0 then 3 © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
What is Your Meaningful Use Path? For Medicaid EPs:
EHR Incentive Payments to Date Program Year 1: $15,461, Eligible Professionals 7 Eligible Hospitals Program Year 2: $361, Eligible Professionals
What is Meaningful Use? 1.The use of a certified EHR in a meaningful manner, such as e-prescribing. 2.The use of certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health information to improve quality of health care. 3.The use of certified EHR technology to submit clinical quality and other measures.
EP Requirements for Stage I Meaningful Use 25 Measures for Eligible Professionals – 20 must be met. 15 required Core Measures - exclusions may apply. 5 out of 10 Menu Set Objective Measures – one must be a Public Health measure, either immunization reporting or labs, except where prohibited.
EP Requirements for Stage I Meaningful Use 38 Clinical Quality Measures – EPs must report on 6 total clinical quality measures – 3 required core measures (substituting alternate core measures when necessary) – and 3 additional measures selected from the list of 38 CQMs
EH Requirements for Stage I Meaningful Use 24 Measures for Eligible Hospitals – to qualify for an incentive payment, 19 of the 24 must be met. 14 Core Measures must be chosen 5 measures may be selected from the list of 10 Menu Set measures
EH Requirements for Stage I Meaningful Use Eligible Hospitals must report on all 15 of their clinical quality measures 14
© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
Q&A’s Q.Will the requirements for Stage 1 Meaningful Use (MU) change? A.CMS: Requirements for stage 1 MU will not change for While the Final Regulations primarily addressed Stage 2 requirements, there were several revisions to the Stage 1 requirements starting in 2013, including the Stage 1 objectives for computerized physician order entry (CPOE), electronic prescribing, and recording and charting vital signs. The Final Regulations also specify that beginning in 2014, meeting an exclusion for a Stage 1 menu set objective does not count toward the number of menu set objectives that EPs must satisfy if there are other menu objectives they can meet. These changes and their effective dates are summarized in the Table 4 of the Final Regulations ( There have been updates made for stage 2. These updates will be released in the stage 2 final rule. The updates for State 2 have been released in the Stage Final Rule ( Q.How do I get my EHR vendor to include the tracked measures that the practice gathers? A.REC: Your certified EHR system should be able to track the measures gathered if they are entered into the EHR system. Certification assures that the EHR technology providers adopt includes the capabilities they will need to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. Use of certified EHR technology is a core requirement for health care providers to achieve meaningful use and become eligible for incentive payments under the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. Q.Is Practice Fusion a part of the DHIN interface? A.DHIN: Practice Fusion is a part of the DHIN interface. Please contact the DHIN for more information: Phone: (302) ; Fax: (302) ;
Q&A’s Q.How does an EHR vendor get approved for DHIN – EMR interface? A.DHIN: Contact the DHIN directly for information at: Phone: (302) ; Fax: (302) ; Q.Does an Eligible Professional have to meet 30% patient volume for Stage 1 Meaningful Use? A.Yes, Eligible Professionals (EP) are required to meet 30% patient volume. EPs must follow the same eligibility requirements for MU as for AIU. Q.What is the process for an EHR vendor to be certified? A.ONC: Testing and certification can be completed through the ONC, where specific standards and criteria must be met. Contact the ONC for more information: me=CommunityPage&parentid=72&mode=2&in_hi_userid=12059&cached= true me=CommunityPage&parentid=72&mode=2&in_hi_userid=12059&cached= true
Q&A’s Q.Can a provider change from a Medicare Incentive Payment to a Medicaid Incentive Payment? How can that be done? A.Providers can make one (1) program change. The change must be made after the provider has been paid by Medicare. In order to make the one (1) time change, the EP must update the R&A record before applying with Medicaid in the MAPIR Repository. Q.Is a new individual provider in a group eligible to apply as part of the group? A.Yes. Whatever is true at the time of attestation is true. If the provider was part of the group and group volume at the time of attestation, it is valid even if the provider is new to the group.
Q&A’s Q.If a provider leaves a group after attestation, is the group permitted to include patient volume from that provider and submit for payment during the time the provider was with the group? A.Yes. Whatever is true at the time of attestation is true. If the provider was part of the group and group volume at the time of attestation, it is valid even if the provider leaves the group afterwards.
Contact Information 33 Delaware Regional Extension Center Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of the National Coordinator Delaware Provider Incentive Program Delaware Medical Assistance Program ext , option 0 then 3 © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.