06/16/ New Features and Enhancements in Centricity EMR 9.5 M. Zaroukian 1 Slides with a orange background will be scheduled for implementation in the weeks following the upgrade. They will not be activated at Go-Live on 08/08/2011.
06/16/ Certified for Meaningful Use Centricity Electronic Medical Record v9.5 is officially 2011/2012 compliant and certified as a Complete EHR on November 20, 2010 by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT®) in its capacity as an Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Temporary Certification Body (ONC-ATCB).
06/16/ Associating Medications With Coded Problems/Diagnoses
99 Enhanced documentation and display of allergies and drug interactions
06/16/ Weight-based dosing and alerts Interprets free text Rx instructions (“1 po qd “or “Take one tablet by mouth daily”) and converts to clinical data Displays maximum single dose amount, unit of measure, and number of administrations per day.
06/16/ Patient access to health information Send PHI as CCD Receive in CCD and CCR format.
06/16/ Securing patient privacy
06/16/ Enhancements to clinical auditing
06/16/ Protect patient data stored in removable/portable devices Supports use of standards-based encrypted format using triple-DES (3DES) or Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) PHI stored on portable storage devices (thumb- drives, CD-ROM, PDA, Notebook) should always be encrypted using of a standards-based encrypted format. GE recommends TrueCrypt (open source)
06/16/ New and enhanced clinical content Centricity Clinical Content (CCC) –Cardiovascular procedures and history –Vital Signs-2-CCC form –Diabetes Q&E-CCC –CPOE Anticoagulation-CCC –Lipid Q&E-CCC –Medication Administration-CCC –Immunization Management-CCC
06/16/ Import lab results as signed or unsigned based on abnormal results setting Automatically signed Signed with additional signatures required Unsigned Lets you determine when to make labs available in CCD format in response to a patient request on a Patient health Web portal. Normal results may be signed automatically and posted while abnormal results cannot be sent until physician has reviewed and signed.
06/16/ Support for Meaningful Use reporting GEHC offers Web-based reporting and data submission services to assist your organization in achieving Meaningful Use. Quality Reporting Services are hosted by the Medical Quality Improvement Consortium (MQIC).
06/16/ Advanced ePrescribing Add to Current Meds button on the medication fill history window lets you add items from pharmacy medication history to a patient's medication list.
06/16/ Automatically submit a G-code for MIPPA incentives
06/16/ Centricity Clinical Reconciliation Share patient problem, allergy, and medication information in real time with other Centricity EMR systems
06/16/ Send CCD Data to HIE/RHIO
06/16/ Centricity Business and Centricity EMR integration Registration and Scheduling handled in Centricity Business (CB) EMR orders can be set up to automatically generate charges CB billing modules