Vitamins, Minerals, & Water Chapter 7 Section 2 Page 161-166
Vitamins & Minerals Vitamins Nutrients found naturally in the food we eat Water soluble B1, Folate, C Fat soluble A, D, E, K Minerals Nutrients naturally found in rocks & soil, not living things Calcium, potassium, sodium, fluoride, zinc, chromium, & phosphorus
Classes of Vitamins Fat-Soluble Dissolve in fat A, D, E, K Most are stored in fat tissue and remain for a long time Water-Soluble Dissolve in water Not stored in the body very well The eight B vitamins and vitamin C are water soluble
Fat Soluble Vitamins A D A E D K E K Sources Vision, immunity, skin & hair D Bones & teeth; absorption of calcium & phosphorus in intestine E Protects cell membranes from damage from free radicals K Enables blood to clot Sources A Carrots, spinach, yellow & orange fruits & veggies D Milk, eggs, sunlight, tuna E Whole-grain cereals, breads, beans K Green, leafy veggies & cereals
Water Soluble Vitamins Dissolve in water; bodies DO NOT store C 60 mg/day Maintains immune system Formation of skin B Produce energy from carbs; helps nervous system function properly Folate Helps prevent birth defects; needed for forming cells Sources C Orange juice, tomatoes One glass of OJ will give you your daily serving! B Meat, poultry, & fish Grains Folate Green veggies, beans, oj
Minerals Maintains water balance, muscles & nerve impulses Calcium Bone & teeth, Muscle contraction, blood clotting Sources: milk & dairy Potassium Regulation of fluid, maintains heartbeat & nerve impulses Sources: OJ, bananas, green, leafy veggies Sodium Maintains water balance, muscles & nerve impulses Sources: salt Fluoride strengthen tooth enamel, prevents cavities Sources: Fluoridated toothpaste and water
Minerals Chromium Regulates blood sugar Sources: Meat, herbs, dairy Phosphorus Bone formation and cell reproduction Sources: Cereals, meat, poultry, milk Zinc Growth & healing Production of digestive enzymes Sources: Seafood, meat, poultry, eggs, milk
Nutrient Deficiency not having enough of a nutrient to maintain good health Sodium Intake should be only 2,400mg/day About 1 ¼ tsp. Electrolytes: Muscle movement, nerve signals, control fluid levels in body (Gatorade) Calcium Intake should be about 1,300 mg/day 8oz. of milk = 300 mg 45% of skeleton forms between 9 & 17 Osteoporosis: Disorder where the bones become brittle and break easily
Nutrient Deficiency Balanced nutrition choices` helps protect against this Supplement usage is available for others Too much or too little of a nutrient can result in malnutrition: improper nutrition, caused by poor diets
Water 60% of your body weight Carries waste out of body Helps digest food Helps raise body’s metabolism Helps all chemical reactions Temperature regulator Try to drink as much as you can daily!