Health and Safety Executive Paul Spurrier Partnership Manager Health and Safety Executive Yorkshire and North East Division
Using Consultants Where do consultants fit in the health and safety system? - HSE Strategy – Be part of the solution - Competence - Legal duties
Using Consultants Why would you chose a consultant? - Expertise - sensible health and safety precautions - HSE web site ( - Reassurance - Easy life!
Using Consultants When choosing a consultant what should you look for? - ask what you get as part of the contract - ask about their knowledge - what will you get - test their knowledge and competence - what are their qualifications
Using Consultants Cont … - previous clients - do they have a quality system - if employed will they sub-contract work - will you deal with one person
Using Consultants Having decided that you do want to use a consultant – what do you want them to do? - general health and safety - environmental consultant - management systems - topic specific – noise, extraction, ventilation, occupational health, etc BE CLEAR ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT
Using Consultants Ensure you have a clear contract that outlines: - the scope of work to be done - the cost for work to be done (VFM) - consultants responsibilities (and yours) - deadlines for delivery of work (and sanctions for not) - expected outcomes - exit clause for both parties
Using consultants - You can deal with most health and safety matters by using free information available, eg on the HSE web site - If using a consultant make sure you have a clear agreement outlining who will do what, for how much and how to get out - You maintain the responsibility for ensuring health and safety in your business
Using Consultants Any Questions?