An Innovative, Person-centered Approach to Dementia Care
The Healing Power of Music
What is Music & Memory Music & Memory trains nursing home staff, other elder care professionals and family caregivers. Customized playlists on digital music players help those with dementia reconnect to the world around them. Holds tremendous potential for older Ohioans and their caregivers
Creating a Personalized Playlist What music did you listen to when you were young? What were your favorite hymns or other religious music? Did you enjoy going to Broadway shows or Musicals? Do you still have records or tapes that were favorites? Who was your favorite performer, group, band or orchestra? Who was your favorite classical composer? Can you hum any of your favorites? What songs did you dance to at your wedding or high school prom?
Making Better Lives Innovative, person- centered approach Music replaces confusion, depression Individuals become more cooperative and attentive, more willing to accept care Brighter moods boost staff morale Reduces wandering and restlessness Better connections with family and staff Decreases medication use
How Can You Help? Donate new or gently used iPods to Music & Memory. Donate iPods and iTunes gift cards to your local participating site. Organize and promote an iPod/iTunes gift card drive. Volunteer at a local Music & Memory site creating playlists and helping residents with their iPods. Identify a local nursing home and help them get a Music & Memory program started.
As featured in the award-winning documentary, “Alive Inside.”