Match the survey systems AP Human Geography
English Method English Metes and Bounds- uses a reference point and constructs a plot from these natural and man made references
French Method French Long Lot-The long-lot system of land survey (below) was cheap and easy, and it gave each farm equal amounts of each kind of soil on the floodplain, the terraces, and the interfluves. It gave access to a transportation artery (river or road) for a maximum number of farms. Each family could live on its own farm but still be close to neighbors. Each family developed its farm progressively, but clearing the forests near the farmstead first and leaving the more remote parts until later.
American Method Public Land Survey-The PLSS typically divides land into 6-mile-square townships, which is the level of information included in the National Atlas. Townships are subdivided into 36 one-mile- square sections. Sections can be further subdivided into quarter sections, quarter-quarter sections, or irregular government lots.
French Long Lot, English Metes and Bounds or Public Land Survey?
French Long Lot, English Metes and Bounds or Public Land Survey?
French Long Lot, English Metes and Bounds or Public Land Survey?
French Long Lot, English Metes and Bounds or Public Land Survey? Hastings Nebraska
French Long Lot, English Metes and Bounds or Public Land Survey? New Road Louisiana
French Long Lot, English Metes and Bounds or Public Land Survey? Dorchester Mass. Near Boston