Lomba Kreativitas Komputer
By: Brenda and Egan From Narada School
About Electricity A lot of things around us need electricity to work. Like heat and light, electricity is a form of energy. Without electricity, equipments like CD player, watch, clock, etc. will not work. Television will not work without electricity
Found Static Electricity? The first electricity to be found is electrostatic. Electrostatic is found by THALES from Miletus(ancient greek). He found it when he tried to rub Amber(type of tree sap which is transformed into precious stone) with cotton/wool Thales from Miletus
Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin use a kite and a key to discover that lightning strikes at the highest point. He also discovered that once a lightning appears in a place, the ligtning will not return to the previous place.
How does lightning was formed?
Electricity is used in these days This is based on the united state survey
World electricity usage in regions
The fridge Base on the forth slide, Refrigerator is used in USA. People put food and fruits and drinks into the fridge to cool them up. But as human population increases, more fridge is used. As they open the fridge doors, more energy is used to cool the food. More energy means more electricity!!!
Close All The Electric Supplies If an electric supplies are on and no one use the supplies, it was a waste of electricity. Make sure you close the bulbs and this computer after reading this slide!
Remind the others It’s good if you have save electricity, but telling others is also important. The others also can follow you, which means more electricity is saved!!!
Use heat If can use solar panel! A solar panel can help to save electricity uses in home. If you put solar panel above your roof, instead of using electricity, heat from the sun is used! And as you know, heat from the sun is unlimited.
Use wind Well, beside solar panel, we got another new electric helper! The windmill!!! Windmill produces electricity every time there was a moving air. They are usually used in Netherland.
Credits Video from: weather.com Song title: the new Pikachu song Pictures from: google.com