The Use of Administrative Sources for Statistical Purposes Administrative Sources and Statistical Registers
Direct Use Simplest case - an administrative source is used directly as a sampling frame Easy and cheap Quality problems? Lack of control?
Indirect use (1) One or more administrative sources are used to construct a statistical register A statistical register can be a tool for integrating data from different sources
Indirect use (2) A statistical register can contain additional variables, e.g. from surveys, imputed, or calculated The statistical register is owned and controlled by statisticians
Multiple data sources Data from a single source – no check on accuracy Data from several sources – better view of the accuracy of the data – increased range of variables available – but; how to deal with data conflicts?
Models for Creating and Maintaining Statistical Registers using Administrative Data
UK Business Register
Basic Registers in Sweden
Central Register Cross-government projects to create central registers of person / business data to facilitate data sharing, e.g. Registers in Nordic Countries Australian Business Register UK Business Index
Case Study - ABR The Australian Business Register (ABR) is developed and maintained by the Australian Tax Office Web interface ( Businesses can register, amend details and file returns on line Free access for Australian Bureau of Statistics
Case Study - ABR (2) The Australian Bureau of Statistics has a two-tier statistical business register –Most records are direct copies from the ABR –Only the largest and most complex business structures are maintained by the statistical office This allows statistical resources to be used where they are most needed
Case Study - UK Business Index New project to create a basic central register of businesses Partners: –Office for National Statistics –Tax office –Company registration agency –Local authorities –Specialist agencies e.g. environment, health and safety
Business Index Model
Using Administrative Data in Satellite Registers
What is a satellite register? The Eurostat Task Force on satellite registers on distributive trade said:- A satellite register is a register of units which belongs to the national statistical system, and fulfils the following conditions:
1. Satellite registers are not part of main statistical registers, but are closely linked to them; 2. Satellite registers are more limited in scope than main statistical registers, but within their scope they may have better coverage;
3. Satellite registers contain one or more characteristics that are not found in main statistical registers, especially stratification variables; 4. Satellite registers should be distinguished from those databases in which results from surveys are normally recorded
So a satellite register is a tool for incorporating administrative data that are only relevant for a sub-set of units in a statistical register Statistical Register Satellite Register Satellite registers may contain additional units, or variables, or both
Examples in Practice Tourism - hotel register (category, number of beds) Transport - vehicle or ship register (type, capacity) Distributive trades - buildings register (building size, sales area) Military personnel – register of people serving in the armed forces
Purposes of Satellite Registers (1) Constructing more comprehensive sampling frames Extending coverage of target populations Providing additional stratification variables Providing auxiliary variables to help estimate population totals
Purposes of Satellite Registers (2) Providing variables that can supplement or replace those collected through surveys Improving the quality of information already in the main register, therefore reducing costs and the response burden
Group Exercise Creating a Statistical Register of Entrepreneurs
Case Study: Statistical Business Registers in the European Union
Background (1) EU Regulation (2186/93) - Business registers for statistical purposes are compulsory in all EU Member States The Regulation lists compulsory and optional variables The latest version includes enterprise group variables
Background (2) It is unlikely that all variables are available from one source, so multiple sources are needed The use of administrative sources is encouraged The choice of sources is left to Member States
Background (3) Eurostat collect information on sources used and data quality via an annual questionnaire The UNECE sends the same questionnaire to countries that are not members of the European Union
Sources used for Business Registers in European Union and Candidate Countries (Slides from Eurostat / UNECE)
Number of Sources Used
% of Countries Using Each Source
Comparison: Balkans and Former Soviet Union
Sources of information on Enterprise Groups