The quick way to turning your cash to be millions within no time. This the biggest and most liquid market in the world.It has a turnover of 4 trillion approximately daily volume.
Why Forex trading? It cannot be stopped by any government in the world. Its tax free in Kenya. Its a 24 hour market. It has the best online security systems. It is easy to learn. Its still new in Kenya. It can be done part time. If you can count you can trade. It is what your bank does with your money behind your back. It is a regulated market worldwide. You can work from home.
Pros and cons Never invest borrowed funds. Forex trading can enrich you if done by a good trader, But the risks are very REAL You need a trader who has worked in a Forex trading company or who has legitimate track record of success. You need a qualified trainer as a beginner. Learning half baked notions online will not make you money In Kenya,if you are earning more than 10,000usd from it.You need a foreign account.You should also learn to use online money processors like paypal
Forex Projections and rewards An account can be doubled in 1 or 2 months. Big losses can be recovered with time. Accounts can be built in a time based manner. If successful you can get foreign based investors in a easy way. Agreements that are legally binding can be made on every projection. Hedge Funds can be made, capital pooled and given to a good trader and portfolio manager.
Forex trading instruments Currency Pairs-eg USA dollar vs Great Britain Pound etc
Forex trading instruments Futures- Gold,Oil,Palladium,Silver,Copper etc.
Forex trading instruments Stocks- APPLE,GOOGLE,IBM etc
Forex trading instruments Indices- SPX-Standard and Poor's 500,Nasdaq 100,GER30 etc
Trading Sessions London session 10.30am-4.00 pm New York Session-4.00pm-oooohrs. Sydney session-0000hrs-0330hrs Tokyo session-0330hrs am