1 August 11, 2010 R e d a c t e d
2 Presentation Team Christopher A. Koch, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Education Audrey Soglin Executive Director, Illinois Education Association Susie Morrison Deputy Superintendent, Illinois State Board of Education Darren Reisberg Deputy Superintendent, Illinois State Board of Education Miguel del Valle Chairman, Illinois P-20 Council
3 Our Race is Underway… Since July 09, enacted 5 critical pieces of legislation 1.New, rigorous teacher and principal evaluations 2.Independent alternative teacher and principal preparation programs 3.Comprehensive approach to longitudinal data system 4.Doubled the number of authorized charter schools 5.June 1, 2010 Enactment: Overhauled the State’s principal preparation and certification requirements P-20 Council convened around RTTT oversight and priorities
4 Illinois’ Reform Vision Driving Goal Raise student achievement and close achievement gaps How Do We Get There? Measure and improve the effectiveness of teachers and leaders Impact classroom instruction Target the weakest areas of the system R e d a c t e d
5 Progress on Student Outcomes: Closing the Achievement Gap
6 Progress on Student Outcomes: ACT Performance
7 Strong & Collaborative Support for Change 521 Participating LEAs –81% of total Illinois public school population –86% of its total low- income public school population –89% of its total minority public school population Bold reforms with broad support
8 Illinois’ Reform Goals: “Super LEAs” Super LEA Commitments: (1) Redesigned evaluation systems in their Priority Schools by September 2011 (2) Staffing autonomy in Priority Schools (3) Agree to autonomies required for Partnership Zone implementation Super LEA Requirements: Requires both superintendent and local union leader sign-on LEA must have an Illinois Priority School Super LEAs: 120,713 students Aurora Dist. #131 Community School District #300 De Pue USD #103 Decatur SD #61 East St. Louis SD #189 Kankakee School District #111 Meridian CUSD #101 Peoria SD #150 Plano CUSD #88 Rockford Public Schools #205 Springfield SD #186 Thornton Twp HS Dist. #205 Thornton Frac. Twp HS Dist. #215 Super LEAs: 120,713 students Aurora Dist. #131 Community School District #300 De Pue USD #103 Decatur SD #61 East St. Louis SD #189 Kankakee School District #111 Meridian CUSD #101 Peoria SD #150 Plano CUSD #88 Rockford Public Schools #205 Springfield SD #186 Thornton Twp HS Dist. #205 Thornton Frac. Twp HS Dist. #215 $20 million set-aside in State RTTT allocation for LEAs agreeing to “bigger, bolder, faster” reforms
9 Implementing Statewide Reform: Internal Capacity
10 Implementing Statewide Reform: External Capacity Integrated Plan Outcomes- Based Measurement Transparent Reporting
11 Comprehensively Impacting Instruction & Leadership Common Standards & Assessments Aligned Instructional Systems Programs of Study Assessments for Learning STEM Learning Exchanges Educator Effectiveness Reporting Prepare and Place Highly Effective Principals for High-need Schools Strengthen Teacher Induction & Principal Mentoring Preparation Program Requirements & Accountability New, Rigorous Teacher and Principal Evaluations Identify and Report Illinois’ Priority Schools School District Reorganization Direct State Interventions Dropout Prevention and Re-Enrollment Supports Illinois Partnership Zone S TANDARDS & A SSESSMENT T EACHERS & L EADERS I MPROVING L OWEST P ERFORMING S CHOOLS U SING D ATA IN D ECISION -M AKING Learning and Performance Management System Interactive Illinois Report Card Independent Analysis of Performance Evaluation Implementation Illinois Collaborative for Education Policy Research (ICEPR)
12 Performance Evaluation Reform After PERA/RTTT Student growth required (RTTT > 50%) Distributed ratings: 4 categories/No waivers Annual principal evaluations Before PERA/RTTT No student growth requirement Widget Effect 3 categories/Waivers Principals: 5-year evaluations? How ? Early Proof Points: Super LEAs/Consortium on Chicago School Research Comprehensive State Supports Assessing Implementation
13 Technology Platform for Statewide Reform Platform: Learning and Performance Management System & IlliniCloud Assessments for Learning STEM Learning Exchanges Consolidated Reports & Dashboards
14 Impacting All Illinois Communities & Students Raise overall NAEP proficiency by 15%; with a 20% increase in key subgroups Reduce achievement gap by over 2/3 of current levels Achieve a 90% four-year cohort graduation rate Outperform the best-performing states in terms of college enrollment and completion
15 Our plan … our future R e d a c t e d