QD0 stabilisation update (since last update in MDI) A.Jeremie A.Badel, B.Caron, R.LeBreton, J.Lottin, J.Allibe, G.Balik, J.P.Baud, L.Brunetti, G.Deleglise
QD0 stabilisation update (since last update in MDI) A.Jeremie A.Badel, B.Caron, R.LeBreton, J.Lottin, J.Allibe, G.Balik, J.P.Baud, L.Brunetti, G.Deleglise Got a permanent position at LAPP New EuCARD post-doc
What has been done Characterize the stabilisation system Develop a model for the components Develop control loops First test on set-up MDI December 16, 20113
Correction scheme MDI December 16, Input noise External sensor Sensor noise Controller Dynamical model of system In order to optimize the controller, we need to get the maximum of information on the components in the system
Phase 1 : Stabilisation system behaviour Intrinsic resonances if change of phase by 90°: other peaks just from boundary conditions => 2 resonance peaks just below 2kHz and near 4kHz. First intrinsic resonance frequency near 2kHz : experimental and theoretical values agree. MDI December 16, Frequency (Hz)
Model for the components MDI December 16, Frequency (Hz) Sensor Mechanics Global system
MDI December 16, Test conditions Capacitive sensors used for setting-up the system Feedback loop with accelerometers: one on “ground” other on top of system No mass on system To maximize signal for test: Excitation: high frequency “hammer hit” (so high frequency range) Cut “low-frequency” range from test
Control test ratio of transfer functions MDI December 16, 20118
Next steps Other feedback loops are available that work well in simulation, but need to better understand some “low-frequency” experimental problems encountered Characterize sensor in more detail Excite with “ground motion” instead of hammer Add QD0 dummy mass MDI December 16, URGENT!
Enjoy the Holliday season! MDI December 16,