Child Trafficking in Austria Ambassador Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger National Coordinator on Combating Human Trafficking Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs International Conference “National integrated strategies to eliminate violence against children” Vienna, 20-21May 2010
Situation in Austria Austria: country of transit and destination forms of exploitation in Austria „hidden“ crime: no reliable data available Austria: signatory to all relevant international legal instruments to combat child trafficking Austria adopted all the relevant national legislation
Identification of Victims of Child Trafficking difference between victims of child trafficking, UAMs and „smuggled“ children „offenders“ vs. „victims‘ status“ dependence on offenders „unreal stories “
Protection of victims of child trafficking in Austria Youth and welfare institutions Special crisis centre „Die Drehscheibe“ („revolving disk“) Role of law enforcement Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking/Working group on Child Trafficking
Challenges in the fight against child trafficking Establishment of an Austrian-wide Victims Protection Mechanism (National Referral Mechanism) Statistics/Data Prevention activities International adoptions Rate of convictions Prevention in countries of origin Law enforcement cooperation
Contact Austrian Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking Ministry for European and International Affairs Minoritenplatz 8, 1014 Vienna, Austria Tel.: +43(0) Fax: +43(0) The Austrian National Coordinator on Combating Human Trafficking Ambassador Ms. Elisabeth Tichy-Fisslberger Ministry for European and International Affairs Director General, Head of the Legal and Consular Section Tel.: +43(0) Fax: +43(0) Ms. Regina Rusz Counsellor/Head of Unit Ministry for European and International affairs International Cooperation, Crime Prevention Tel.: +43/