The Dos & Don’ts of Med School Admissions Your Name Your Title Kaplan Test Prep & Admissions (xxx) xxx-xxxx KAP-TEST
Number of tests administered, and number of applicants More competitive MCAT scores % growth in applicants greater than % growth in 1 st year seats since 2003 Med School Admissions Trends Tip #1:Know the competition KAP-TEST |
Med School Admissions Timeline June Early Decision Period Rolling Admissions Period Primary Secondaries Interview JulyAugSeptOctNovDecJanFeb MCAT Tip #2:Submit your application early. Desirable Ideal Jan May Acceptance KAP-TEST |
Index Formula Absolutely Deny Presumably Deny Presumably Admit MCAT School Admissions Factors MCAT Score Undergraduate GPA Clinical Experience/Volunteer work Research Personal Statement Interviews Letters of Recommendation Tip #3:Control the process. Application Strength KAP-TEST |
Tip #4:Make your experience work for you. The Dos & Don’ts of Med School Admissions Gain clinical experience to confirm interest. Commit to work you're passionate about Carefully consider your "List of 15" Neglect direct-patient-care clinical experience Over-commit yourself Rely on experience to overcome weaknesses Research your research opportunities Understand whole project, not just your part Consider research outside of med/science Assume research "isn't for you" Over-commit yourself Substitute research for clinical experience Clinical Experience and Volunteer Work Research KAP-TEST |
Tip #5:Distinguish yourself by showing your passion. The Dos & Don’ts of Med School Admissions Consider every interview mandatory Schedule interviews strategically Become acquainted with admissions staff Discount them Judge schools based on ranking alone Inundate admissions staff with requests Use past/present stories and a theme. Showcase lessons learned from experience Write effectively and follow directions Write “why I want to go to med school”. Speak negatively of anyone or anything. Go at it alone. Personal Statement Interviews KAP-TEST |
Tip #6:Help your recommenders help you. The Dos & Don’ts of Med School Admissions Select professors who know you well Give recommenders content to work from Ask specifically for strong, detailed letter Worry about clout Allow your recommenders to fly blind Write the letter yourself Letters of Recommendation KAP-TEST |
Tip #7:Your academic potential is measurable. The Dos & Don’ts of Med School Admissions Choose major that interests/challenges you Squeeze out every point you can. “Trend-up” and do well in major. Choose Bio major "just because" premed Game your GPA with easy classes or P/F Over-estimate importance of GPA. GPA KAP-TEST |
The Dos & Don’ts of MCAT School Admissions The MCAT All sections are passage-based (except for WS). Verbal Reasoning is the “most difficult” section. Physical Sciences is the “most feared” section. The Writing Sample IS important KAP-TEST |
The Dos & Don’ts of MCAT School Admissions Give the test the attention/time it deserves Learn critical thinking skills (and science) Learn/practice to gain efficiency for each skill Consider it just an obstacle to admission Tackle the exam as a whole, all at once Take test after test w/o changing behavior Focus on your opportunities for improvement Understand you can do it. Prepare with college text books Consider it just an obstacle to admission The MCAT KAP-TEST |
Tip #8:You can raise your MCAT score. The Dos & Don’ts of Med School Admissions The MCAT The MCAT is the common measuring stick. # of right answers = raw score; no guessing penalty. Raw score scaled score conversion varies per test. Small improvements result in significant gains. Repeat test-taking remains unadvisable KAP-TEST |
Tip #9:The MCAT matters. Why prep for the MCAT? The MCAT is the most important factor in your application. Med schools are very competitive. Small gains on the MCAT can translate into massive “leapfrogging” of other test-takers. The MCAT is an important predictor of med school success KAP-TEST |
Tip #10:Kaplan can help. A Sample MCAT Question… 2. Which set of graphs best depicts the optimal temperature and pH range for pepsin activity? A. B. C. D KAP-TEST |
Big Picture: The Structure of the MCAT Course KAP-TEST |
Most Personalized Prep: Class Options Available Live Online! KAP-TEST |
The Most Personalized Prep: Course Feature Highlight New Review Notes developed in partnership with Scientific American KAP-TEST |
Review Notes Online KAP-TEST |
Lessons-on-Demand KAP-TEST |
Explanations-on-Demand KAP-TEST |
The Most Personalized Prep: Smart Reports Track Scores: Diagnostic, most recent and highest overall See how scores trend over time Track progress by Subject KAP-TEST |
The Most Personalized Prep: Smart Reports Analyze performance by Section to determine your areas of greatest opportunity KAP-TEST |
The Most Personalized Prep: Smart Reports Dig deeper to uncover content strengths and weaknesses KAP-TEST |
The Most Personalized Prep The Kaplan Advantage Unmatched Expertise Greatest number of course options because one size does not fit all. Only program with online on-demand instruction (250+ hours) Individual online score analysis and prescriptive feedback through our exclusive Smart Reports™ Only national MCAT program with instructors who have scored at or above the 90th percentile on each section of the MCAT that they teach Most realistic practice through 19 Computer-Based tests, including all AAMC practice tests The largest MCAT question library, with 11,000+ questions, including the most Verbal Reasoning practice Guaranteed Results Higher Score Guarantee Readiness Satisfaction Money Back More people get into med school with a Kaplan course than with any other major course KAP-TEST |