Salt Marshes Lab Background
Saltmarshes: are coastal wetlands found in protected bays and estuaries and are flooded by the tides on a daily basis. Estuaries: are areas where fresh water and salt water mix. ( Source of the fresh water? Source of the salt water?) Saltmarshes are often found behind sandspits.
Appear like a grassy meadow broken up by numerous creeks and ponds Area is flooded by the tide on a daily basis. Salinity varies with tidal fluctuations resulting in horizontal zonation
Profile of a saltmarsh The saltmarsh consists of two zones: the high marsh and the low marsh. These zones are determined by elevation and types of plants.
Low Marsh Younger and has fewer plant species than the high marsh. Its major species is saltwater cordgrass. These plants grow on mud substrate and are subject to daily flooding.
High Marsh More diverse, develops on a more sandy substrate, is drier in appearance, and is less affected by the tides. Its major plant is saltmeadow cordgrass.
Some organisms of the saltmarsh Muskrat and moose Organisms show unique adaptations to rich and variable environment. Some plants trap silt at roots, larger plants have extensive root systems. Resident animals burrow into mud.
Black duck
Great Blue Heron
Red-winged black bird
Glasswort above; sea lavender to the right
Sea lettuce
Blue mussels