The European Council of Town Planners The New Charter of Athens The ECTP Vision for Cities in the 21 st Century Virna Bussadori ECTP/CEU President Elect
The European Council of Town Planners Target The New Charter of Athens is addressed to professional planners throughout Europe and those concerned with the planning process: ▪ to direct their actions by a common Vision ▪ for greater coherence, when building networks of cities, connected through time, scales and sectors Positioning of NCA The European Council of Spatial Planners
The European Council of Town Planners Issues and challenges ▪ Developments affecting cities ▪ Challenges to the cities ▪ To be addressed by the vision Background The European Council of Spatial Planners
The European Council of Town Planners Issues & challenges Social and political changes Europeanization, cultural contrasts, immigration, multi-cultural cities, diverse services and products, planning & management of cities, deregulation and privatisation, PPP, city marketing, public participation
The European Council of Town Planners Issues & challenges Economic & technological changes www. ….com Speed of technological development, e-commerce, e- business, footloose economy, international competition, specialisation and co-operation
The European Council of Town Planners Environmental and urban changes Uncontrolled urbanization, sprawl, expanding networks of infrastructure & service, pollution and wasteful consumption of non- renewable resources, contamination of soil, water and air, climate changes Issues & challenges
The European Council of Town Planners The CONNECTED CITY ▪ Variety of connective mechanisms: tactile, functional, information, virtual ▪ Connecting through time space, character, identity, future and past The Vision The European Council of Spatial Planners
The European Council of Town Planners The Vision Social connectivity Social balance, involvement, multi- cultural richness, connections between generations, social identity, facilities, services
The European Council of Town Planners The Vision Economic connectivity Globalisation / regionalisation, competitive advantages, city networking: complementary and co-operation, economic diversity, mobility
The European Council of Town Planners The Vision Environmental connectivity Input-output, ecosystem approach, healthy cities, nature, landscape and open spaces, renewable energy, risk and hazard protection
The Vision Cultural connectivity Urban design, genius loci, cultural heritage, public spaces, local identity, personal contacts, aesthetic excellence
The European Council of Town Planners 2.The Vision Aspects of the CONNECTED CITY ▪ Part of and consisting of meaningful networks ▪ Urban and regional design ▪ Different solutions, cultural richness, enhanced variety The Vision The European Council of Spatial Planners
The European Council of Town Planners The connected city at different levels IndividualLocalCommunal / Municipal RegionalNational
The European Council of Town Planners Positioning spatial planners ▪ Spatial planning is essential team-work requiring co- operation between planners and other professionals ▪ Spatial planning as an activity in society requiring support and consensus But, the spatial planners’ approach is specifically distinguished by a stronger orientation on ▪ spatial context and ▪ continuity in time The European Council of Spatial Planners Commitments of planners
The European Council of Town Planners Values and objectives for professional planners when ▪ elaborating and implementing the Vision and ▪ advising politicians and the public Commitments of planners The European Council of Spatial Planners
The European Council of Town Planners Spatial planners designer and visionary scientist political advisor and mediator urban manager always based on strategic way of thinking
The European Council of Town Planners Conclusions The European Council of Spatial Planners Through the Vision of the New Charter of Athens 2003 a new model for the cities of Europe is proposed. The connected cities are ▪ both ancient and yet modern ▪ ready to accept change and make positive use of it ▪ truly connected on many levels virtually and functionally, and with the environment ▪ creative, innovative and productive, offering financial security to inhabitants ▪ ensuring good living and working conditions for all, security and a sense of place…
‘...cities that will connect the past with the future through a vibrant present!’
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