The Walt Disney Company Jessica Schisler, Austin Pope, Robert Stephenson, Luke Teachey
Founded on October 16, Walt & Roy Disney Mickey Mouse was welcomed in 1920’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Disney Parks The Disney Channel Other segments Cruise Lines History
Product/Service differentiation strategy New and exciting products The Walt Disney name The Four P’s Product Placing Promotion Pricing Competitive Strategy
The overall goal is to make people happy “Disney is always advertising with key words such as “Love”, “Magic”, and “Happiness” because that’s what their films are all about. Their unique ability to capture their audiences hearts is what separates them from other companies in the film industry” The Disney Goal
Disney has many information systems. All are based out of the United States but extend worldwide. Systems “SAP” for financial and human resources management “Zeus” for administration of international television programming distribution. Information Systems Description
Disney has websites for every company they own. Each company also has at least one mobile application. ESPN has SportsCenter, ESPN Fantasy Football, ESPN college football, Watch ESPN, and the list goes on. Social Media Web Presence
Criticism about handling people with disabilities Disabled Assistance System Return time given to guests Helps avoid long lines for disabled Identify The Problem
Request rides at a special kiosk Information System updates what ride they are going to and at what time Disney created apps Information System fluctuates ride activites How They Use Information Systems
Customer experience MyMagic+ Scan-able “MagicBand” Smartphone app More effective for both customers and management Price of the new system Disney’s IS Strategy
How effective the system will be for the company? How will The Walt Disney Company be in the future? Learning about the new systems that Walt Disney is starting to introduce Evaluation