AABI Industry/Educator Forum Educator Response MPL Around the World (United States) Dr. Guy M. Smith
Who is in the Right Seat?
MPL Class CAE Oxford Aviation Academy in Hong Kong with Dragonair
United States MPL
Multi-Crew Pilot License (MPL) Developed by ICAO (Annex 1) in 2006 Objective of MPL – “Mission Purposed” – provide airlines with pilots who will safely and efficiently operate a multi- crew, multi-engine, turbine-powered transport aircraft in all expected operational environments MPL pilots must be at least 18 years old, have a minimum of 240 hours of flying training, and 750 hours of theoretical knowledge MPL courses offered in collaboration with airlines – Complete airline selection process – Selected – Airline sponsor Differences in certification practices and standards limit full international validity of the national qualifications
CAE MPL program with AirAsia Performance-based Approved Training Organization (ATO) certification requirements developed by Transport Canada 56-week Program – MPL license from Transport Canada – Authority from the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia (DCAM) – Enter AirAsia's IOE program for A320 First Officers Course: – Phases 1 & 2 (Core and Basic) – Moncton Flight College in Dieppe, NB – Phase 3 (Intermediate) - CAE SimuFlite in Dallas, TX – Phase 4 (Advanced) – CAE’s aviation training centre in Toronto, ON
MPL Control ICAO "Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Training" (PANS TRG) Document – Guidelines for structuring MPL programs – Regulatory requirements for cadets, instructors and authorized training organizations.
Certificating Pilots in the US "Required Hours" Or "License Stacking" Method – Sport/Recreational – Private – Commercial (Instrument, Multi-engine, Instructor) – ATP Knowledge Tests and Practical Tests Test of instrument flying, navigation and general handling – PTSPTS – Pilot has achieved - in the examiner's opinion - the intended results – Aspiring pilot doing everything on his/her own – No crew or leadership skills are tested
III. Takeoff and Departure Phase Task A: Normal and Crosswind Takeoff Task B: Glassy Water Takeoff and Climb (AMES/ASES) Task C: Rough Water Takeoff and Climb Task D: Confined‐Area Takeoff and Climb (AMES/ASES) Task E: Instrument Takeoff Task F: Powerplant Failure during Takeoff Task G: Rejected Takeoff Task H: Departure Procedures Airline Transport Pilot and Aircraft Type Rating Practical Test Standards for Airplane
Multi-Crew Pilot License (US) U.S. pilots are certificated, not licensed (license is used informally) – Pilot certificates can be revoked by administrative action (FAA) – Licensing (e.g., a driver's license) requires judiciary action (court) United States MPC – “Multi-Crew Pilot Certificate” – Requires an Airline/Educator agreement $$$ – Zero-time students learn core competencies required to safely operate a modern airliner – Advanced simulator technologies – Multi-crew operations – Crew resource management – Threat and error management
Supporters of MPL “Required Hours” method builds skills irrelevant to flying a transport aircraft – Chandelles MPL provides four times more instruction time in multi-crew environment, which has direct relevance to airline operations ICAO's Performance Objectives – The knowledge base is the same as for the ATP “Cadet Dragon was under the impression that his colleagues without any flying experience adjusted faster and better because they had no preconceived notions about flying” (AirAsia MPL Cadet)
Opponents of MPL How can a novice gain the SKILLS, LEADERSHIP and AIRMANSHIP SKILLS needed to fly a commercial transport aircraft after gaining flight experience in a SIMULATOR? (IFALPA) Contributing factors in a number of accidents – Airplane – loss of control – Airplane – lack of handling abilities MPL – “Designed as a quick, cheap cure for the world pilot shortage”
MPL Issues – Perceptions What skill level is needed for Instructors? Who trains the trainer? Will MPL further reduce piloting skills, airmanship and decision-making skills? Can you ONLY get experience by flight time? Degradation of manual flying skills is a world- wide concern
MPL Issue – Adoption You need an Airline a Flight Training Organization a Regulator All To Agree ICAO provides guidance
– Airline/Educator agreements Screening (Admissions) Scholarships (Funding) Gateway-like agreements: CFI – Regional - Majors Commitment of pilots to Airline – Zero-time students – Advanced simulators – Multi-crew operations – Crew resource management – Threat and error management MPL-Like Programs in the US
MPL in the United States?
References Fiorno, F. (2011). Flying the MPL route. Retrieved from Visser, W. (2010). CAE to launch Multi-crew Pilot License (MPL) beta program with AirAsia using new performance-based requirements. Retrieved from