GEO Work Plan Symposium Capacity Building Side Event Capacity Building in South-America Hilcéa Ferreira INPE - Brazil 01 May 2014, Geneva, Switzerland
NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SPACE RESEARCH – INPE - BRAZIL INPE’s space technology agenda “Global EO” – Brazil as global player in Earth observation Multilateral Agreements CEOS, GEO Bilateral agreements China, USA, Argentina, UK…
Contribution to different SBAs Civil Defense Health Energy Weather Urban Management Ecosystems Agriculture
EARTH OBSERVATION DIRECTORATE Remote Sensing Ground Station CBERS Chinese Brazilian Satellite Remote Sensing Data Centre Remote Sensing Research and Applications GIS Technology Research and Applications Environmental Modeling Capacity Building: graduate courses, short courses in GIS and Remote Sensing, face to face and distance learning Satellite Data Reception Station – Cuiabá, Brazil
Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies are essential from management of Brazilian territory SPRING: GIS ( Open geospatial technologies and open standards – TerraLib ( a functions library developed in C++ that allows a collaborative environment and its use for the development of multiple GIS tools. TerraView TerraMA2: Open Plataform for Monitoring, Analysis and Alert Systems TerraHidro: tool built on TerraLib´s library, designed to develop distributed hydrological models, using elevation and hydrological data TerraAmazon – open source software for large-scale land change monitoring
Remote Sensing Education at OBT Graduate Program in Remote Sensing (MsC and PhD) – 400+ graduate students Short Courses in GIS and Remote Sensing (40 h) – Establishment, in 2004, of a distance learning program in GIS and Remote Sensing – 500+ trained people International course on remote sensing at the specialization level: professionals from Latin American and Caribbean countries. – Total of 475 professionals have been trained in South America On-line material (books, presentations, video-classes)
Short-Term Courses Face-to-Face 1999 – Image Processing Division (DPI/OBT), in partnership with SELPER-Brazil (Society of Latin-American Specialists in Remote Sensing): courses aimed at supporting the use of geotechnology in Brazil COURSES SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS/SP NATAL/RNBELEM/PATOTAL INTERNALEXTERNAL COURSESTOTAL STUDENTS Spatial Analysis46403 Introduction to Geoprocessing93953 Geographic Database45479 SPRING - GIS TerraView223 Digital Image Processing41446 TerraMA2560 Digital Terrain Model334 Introduction to Remote Sensing346 SPRING – LINUX Platform18 Mapping and Analysis of Land Cover in Settlement (INCRA)558 TOTAL
Online Education: Introduction to Remote Sensing (From May 2004 to June 2013 From May 2004 to June 2013 TOTAL (22 Courses) CANDIDATESSELECTEDENROLLEDCONCLUSION Backgrounds of selected students from Intro_SR courses
CENTER FOR WEATHER FORECAST AND CLIMATE STUDIES Operational Forecast Systems (time scales) Modeling Forecast products Supercomputer Facilities Monitoring products based on remote sensing Research and Satellite Applications Training and Education Cachoeira Paulista, SP-Brazil
Provide education and training in satellite meteorology for the Portuguese- Speaking Countries
oodle/?lang=en MOODLE FACTS 11 Courses in the last 2 years 60+ training material developed and additional references Registered Users
ABOUT OUR COURSES... OBJECTIVE: Provide high quality training and updated resources on current and future weather satellites. Encourage the use of satellite data and products for Portuguese- speaking countries. COURSES METHODOLOGY: 30% classroom courses – 70% on-line courses. AVERAGE DURATION: 3 days (2 sessions per day) – Seminar type presentations. INSTRUCTORS: Satellite and Environmental Systems Division, Rio de Janeiro Federal University, Itajuba Federal University, National Center for Monitoring Natural Disasters Alerts, among others.
ABOUT OUR PARTICIPANTS... Brazil Bolivia Chile Argentina Ecuador Peru Venezuela PARTICIPANTS: 288 students (2011) 379 students (2012) AVERAGE ATTENDANCE: 48 students/course PARTICIPANT COUNTRIES Uruguay Colombia Portugal Cabo Verde Angola Mozambique South Africa
The activities of the Amazon Regional Center involve research and scientific development to becoming a world reference center in the monitoring of tropical forests: Spreading Geotechnology in the region; Being an international center for the dissemination of technology in order to monitor characteristics of tropical forests. AMAZON REGIONAL CENTER - CRA
Rationale The largest extensions of tropical forests of the world are located in South America, west Africa and southeast Asia. In these regions there are also many developing countries and their need for natural resources is threatened by intense and illegal exploration of the forests resources. Nowadays, the protection of the national forests has became a priority in their agendas, as also has been followed by the international community. INTERNATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING
To combat the advance of deforestation, the remote sensing techniques have been a very efficient way to quantify the areas of forest deforested. Brazil is the only country in the tropical region that has a tropical forest monitoring program, which was developed by the National Institute for Space Research – INPE in Considering the importance of the environmental issues to the international community, international organizations such as the Japan International Cooperation Agency – JICA, the Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO and also the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – ACTO developed efforts to establish partnerships with INPE in order to capacitate foreign technicians to operate the TerraAmazon system, which is responsible for forest monitoring. INTERNATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING
Capacity Building in Tropical Forest Monitoring TerraAmazon System Tutorials (Portuguese, English, French and Spanish) Presentations and Hands-on activities Video-classes (being developed) Pre and pos students assessment After-course support ( and Discussion Forums) Some publications (LARS, 2013 – South America and OTCA data) PARTICIPANTS PER YEAR INTERNATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING
COUNTRIES TRAINED – SOUTH AMERICA: Bolivia, Colombia, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guyana, Suriname, Peru, Ecuador and Paraguay CENTRAL AMERICA: Belize, Guatemala, Jamaica, El Salvador, Panama, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Barbados AFRICA: Angola, Mozambique, Congo Democratic Republic, Zambia, Cameroon, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Burundi and Chad ASIA: Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, and Philippines INTERNATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING
Latest course: February, 2014 CARICOM INTERNATIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING PARTICIPANTESPAISES Hesdy Daisy Esajas Suriname Jason WilliamsAntígua e Barbuda Kenton FletcherGranada Kurt Denzil Prospere Jamaica Maria PaulGuiana Meshach AlfordSão Cristóvão e Névis Rebecca Elizabeth Rock Santa Lúcia Staillev EtienneHaiti Stephen DurandDominica Sylbert Calvert Frederick São Vicente e Granadinas
NETWORKING GEO as a coordinator of Capacity Development
THANK YOU Hilcéa Ferreira Leads in CPTEC and CRA Luiz Augusto Machado Alessandra Gomes