Exam Briefing Summer 2012 Exams Officer: Miss Roper
Exam Timetable As soon as you receive your timetable check your exam entries and report any issues to Miss Roper in the Admin Centre Keep your timetable in a SAFE PLACE
Exam Timetable
Seating Plan
Seating plans will be posted on the Exams Noticeboard (near Admin Centre) and outside Cottrill Hall on exam day. Make sure you know your seat number for each exam Make sure you sit in the correct seat in the examination room – incorrect seating could result in the wrong paper being given!!!!
Instructions for Exam Day 1)Use your exam timetable to see where the exam is being held 2)Make sure you know your exam seat number 3)It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have the right equipment! 4)Arrive 10 minutes before the exam start time 5)Line up in seating rows (A – M) outside the hall/exam room. You will be called in per row and expected to find your own seat 6)Make sure you sit in the correct seat (exam desks are labelled with the seat number) 7)As soon as you enter the examination room you must adhere to strict exam procedures and regulations 8)Please put up your hand if you require assistance from an invigilator 9)After the exam, remain silent until you are instructed to leave and are outside of the examination room
What will I need?
Calculators Now standard equipment, with the exception of certain Maths exams Please ensure that they are reset before exam Remove lid and instructions
Water Bottles Clear water bottles are allowed in the examination room Labels must be removed
Malpractice Do not bring your mobile ‘phone, iPod or any other electronic device into the examination room If you do, it could be considered Malpractice!!
Best of Luck!