1.E.4. Professional training and specialist knowledge Fact finding mission of Ing. Daniela Morgenbesser und Dipl. Ing. FH Gregor Hoffmann around municipality of Suva Reka – lk-projekt niederösterreich/wien GmbH
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Current situation – milk production Good starting position Well done handwork Optimal breedings for milk and meat production Mostly problems with quality of milk Conservation of feed (maize and hay) quality increase needed Stables are not built for Simmental Processing the milk to cheese and yoghurt by hand Production of meat is secondary Financial problems to built new stables
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Influence factors – milk production optimal conditions in the stable hygienic during and after milking process chilling of milk as soon as possible good quality of the feed protein energy diversified feeding rations hay silage wheat bran – „hime“ optimal fermentation of the silage constant supply of water during day and night
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Future options – milk production Standards of the stables built for the needs of Simmental Instruct an consultant for planning stables to support and consult farmers Trainings for farmers (feed production, feeding, hygienic,..) on a demo farm Cooperate with the dairy – one lactofreecer for one village Support one farm to built a stable for best practice – practical learning Other farmers will copy when there is success
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Future options – milk production harvest of maiz for silage must be earlier (green plants - not brown) => optimal fermentation and optimal energy in the silage Cultivation of special crops for grass silage production of grass silage for feeding in winter feeding of silage or green grass during pasture in summer erlier harvest of hay => to keep more proetin and energy in
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Future options – example of milkquality 5 cows 15 liters / cow / day 3rd quality class of milk 22 Cent/Liter Daily income: 16,5 EUR Income per month: 495 EUR 5 cows 20 liters / cow / day extra class of milk 35 Cent/Liter Daily income: 35 EUR Income per month: EUR Feeding and hygienic are influencing the quality of milk. The better the food the better the milk. The better the milk, the better the income. Investments for food production are investments in quality and success!
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Current situation goat and sheep production Good starting position Well done handwork Conservation of feed should be better the buildings of the stables are mostly good cheese production is only made by hand hygienic standards are not known and recognized Cheese is only sold for private customers Financial problems to invest in technical equipment for milking an cheese production
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Future options goats and sheep production train hygienic standards for cheese production trainings for feed production and feeding Highly needed support of sheep farmer (Riza Syla) to get dairy ready for processing cheese to regional market's like ben-af (municipality, project, farmers deliverance) direct marketing to supermarkets or restaurants product diversification label of cheese from the region of Suha Reka like „Suva Reka FETA“ FETA from the heart of Kosovo
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Current situation – beekeeping Good climate for production Hygienic standard is very good technical equipment is manually driven beekeepers association „Bletaria sot“ exists products are very good, clean and super tasty! selling is only to privates beekeepers would have to get a certification of IFS (international food standard) price of honey is good for production
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Future options – beekeeping investment into mobile electric honey extractor for the association to rent for the beekeepers alternative 1: one man is responsible for the mobile honey extractor knows how to clean the extractor anticipate the carryover from deseases alternative 2: the honey extractor is situated in the municipality the cleaning is perhaps not as good as it is necessary nobody feels like responsible for the extractor trainings for IFS certification Export the honey directmarketing to supermarkets
find solutions. achieve success. assure future. Final summary table Feed production and feeding growing plants for producing silage (maiz and grass) optimal harvesting (technic and time) for conservation keep the protein and energy in the feed Hygienic standards for milk production Cooling down the milk as soon as possible train hygienic standard for cheese production product diversification of cheese Equipment for production Consultants for planning stables Micro credits for investment Subsidies for investments in cooperation / demo farms
find solutions. achieve success. assure future.